Chapter 13

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I woke up next to Ruki. He was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I looked up. It was still night. I need to go tell Jacob's pack what's going on. I stood up and got changed. I looked back at Ruki. I smiled and walked out the door. I put my hood on. I walked out the mansion. I breathed. I used my speed to go to Jacobs house. 

I was soon in front of Jacobs house cabin. I saw Jacob watching T.V. I breathed and walked in. He looked up and had a shocked look. I breathed and saw Billy. "Renesmee. It's good to see you". He said and smiled. I smiled back. I came over to him and hugged him. "It's good to see you too Billy". I said. We separated. "Why you come". Jacob asked. I looked at him. "I thought you and that blood sucking vampire were together now". He said. i breathed. "Jacob. Be nice. She had enough from you". Billy said. Jacob breathed. "I came here because...something happening". I said. Jacob looked up at me, worried. "The vultori has found me". I said. Billy looked up at me. "They know everything about me now and there attacking the Sakamaki and the Mukami....I told them we were going to fight". I said. Jacob had a shocked look. "What". He asked. I nodded. "If I told them I needed to leave then they would be suspicious and come with me". I said. Jacob growled. "Are you kidding. Renesmee. You could be killed. You don't know the vultori". He said. I looked away. "Oh. Now you call me Renesmee you ass". I said. He growled. "Listen. I only said that to protect you". He said. I rolled my eyes. "Shier you did". I said. Billy went in between us. "Renesmee. You can't win this, especially with those vampires. They don't know how the vultori goes". He said. I hummed. "I know...but the pack does". I said. Billy stared at me.

I was telling Sam everything. "How did they find you". Sam asked. I shrugged. "I don't know and I don't know how but I need your help. I been gone long enough to forget how the vultori works". I said. He sighed. He looked back up at me. "You know if you do this...then they will figure out what you are". He said. I breathed. "I know...If it means to protect Ruki then I must". I said. He sighed. "....Alright. Will circle around the sakamaki mansion. Tell us when to move and will move". He said. I sighed with relief. "Thank you Sam". I said. He smiled and nodded. 

I was walking back to the Sakamaki mansion. All the mukami will be there so I'm going. I held my necklace. "RENESMEE WAIT". I heard. I looked behind me and saw Seth and Leah. I smiled and ran to them. I hugged them. They laughed. "Hey. How are you guys". I said. They smiled at me. "Good actually. I'm actually doing better in the wolf pack". Seth said. I smiled. Leah snorted. "But your still the slowest". She said. I chuckled. She rubbed my back. "You okay...after what Jacob did". She asked. I breathed and nodded. "Ya. I moved on. I met someone else and he's perfect". I said and she smiled. "Listen what he said in the forest, Sam made him say that. Sam thought Jacob was leading them towards you so He made Jacob say that". She said. I sighed. "I know". I said. Seth gave me a confused look. "You why are you mad at him". Seth asked. I sighed. "Whenever we would go on dates girls would talk to him and he would ignore. He treats me as if I'm a monster. Even for my birthday he gave me dead animal". I said. They had disgusted looks. "Jacob just made me feel like I was the monster...and he was the hero that was trying to destroy me". I said. Layla rubbed my back more. "I never new he would do that". She said. I sighed and breathed. "But it's fine. It's over now". I said. They smiled at me. "We have to go back to the camp. We love you Renesmee". Leah said. I smiled and hugged them. Then they ran back to the camp. I breathed and kept walking.

When I was with Jacob I thought him ignoring me and treating me something I wasn't was dating but...I realized now it wasn't. With Ruki...he actually made me feel special. The day we went to the movies he always told me how beautiful I was and how fascinating I was. He would always make me blush. Now that is dating. I guess me and Jacob weren't mean't to be.

I walked in the Sakamaki mansion. I hanged my jacket up. I walked in the living room. I saw Ruki laying down, watching the wall. I smiled and walked over to him. He looked down at me and smiled. "Hey". I said and laid on top of him. He chuckled and gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. "What you doing". I asked. He sighed. "Nothing. Just being boring". He said. I giggled. He played with my hair. "Do you want to do something". He asked. I smiled and looked up at him. "How about...we go walk...threw the forest". I said. He smiled. "I think that would be a good idea". He said. I smiled and got up. "Come on. Lets go exercising". I said. he chuckled. "You don't even like exercising". He said. I nodded. "Exactly. So this is the first time where your going to see 'all this' in action". I said. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled and kissed him. I pushed him off me. "Hurry up". I said and walked up the stairs to my room. 

Ruki POV

I saw Yui leave. I sighed and smiled. 'How did I end up with a girl like her'. I thought. "How is your girlfriend". I heard. I looked up and saw Ayato. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want". I asked. I saw his teeth clenched. "She's mine. You got that. Even tho she thinks you are hers you are not". He said. I growled and walked up to him. "Listen you ass. I love her. I would do anything for her. I would die for her. She already chose who she wants. So back off". I said. He growled. "Whatever. But just you wait. She's going to come running towards me, begging for me to be hers and I will say yes". He said and walked off. I growled. 'That pig'. I heard foot steps walking down the stairs. I looked up to see my angel. "You ready". Yui asked. I smiled and walked up to her. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Ya. Lets go". I said. She giggled and hugged me. I hugged her back. 'I will never let you matter what'.

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