chapter 20

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Renesmee POV

I woke up. I saw Ruki looking out the window. I breathed and sat up. "What wrong my king". I asked. Ruki sighed and walked up to me. "It's nothing my queen. I'm sorry I woke you up. Please go back to sleep". He said and kissed my head. I stared at him. "Is it because of Jacob". I asked. He sighed. "...I can't stop thinking about what he said". He said. I sighed and kissed him. I breathed. I put my hand on his cheek and showed him how he treated me. The day we were at the water park. The day of my birthday. The day when we went to the movies and we separated because he went to go watch the conjuring while I was watching the emoji movie when I really wanted to watch the conjuring. The day when I saw him flirting with a girl and I was just the 3rd wheel when she should've been the 3rd wheel. The day in the forest when he broke up with me. I showed him everything he done to me. Soon I took my hand away and he looked at me shocked. "...Why would he do that to you". He asked. Tears left my eyes. "Why didn't you say anything. Why didn't you brake up with him". Ruki asked. I breathed. "Because...I still loved him...and he loved me...and I was afraid everything would get worse if I broke up with him...and when he broke up with me...things got way worst...he started talking about shit about me to his new girl friends, he said how he always threw up when he saw my eyes...everyday was a the point where I just wanted the vultori to find me and rip me to pieces...but that day when you kidnapped me and you took me to the movies and you talked to me...I felt like I was actually being loved back...and was not being treated as a monster". I said. Tears left my eyes. He wiped my tears away and hugged me. "A man should never treat his lover like that. If he really loved you then he would of showed it". He said. I cried. "I know and I was dumb staying with him but your so much better". I said. I looked up at him. "Never get him inside your head because everything about him is bullshit. Even though he imprinted on me doesn't mean he can imprint again on someone else. I love you and only you". I said. He gave me a peck on the lips and hugged me. I sighed and kissed his cheek. I breathed. I closed my eyes and kissed his head. 'Ruki way better then Jacob. Jacob never treated me how I wanted to be treated. Ruki treated me as if I was a goddess'. I smiled, moving hair away from his face. "Now can you come back with cuddling with me. I feel empty without you". I said. He chuckled, crawling on top of me, making me giggle. But that night..we just had a little fun.

(Next day)

I sighed, walking to the kitchen, tiredly, going to the refrigerator. I took a look inside and saw some chicken. I grabbed the bowl, also grabbing some peanut butter and cookies with chips and soda.

(Time skip)

I sighed, flipping over the chicken while I took another scoop of the peanut butter and sucked on it. I sighed, eating some chips and cookies as well.

(Time skip)

I ate the chicken, hungrily. Then dranked some soda as well. I sighed, opening up the chicken..seeing blood.


I forcibly ate the guts while Jacob chuckled. "aww look at you, eating all those guts and kidneys". He said. I forcibly swallowed the meat, disgusted. He chuckled, rubbing my cheek. "There you go..that's what you were mean't to do".


I quickly ran off to the bathroom, disgusted.

(Time skip)

I was throwing up horribly. I finally stopped. I sighed, closing the toilet, catching my breath. Someone opened the door. I looked up and saw it was Ruki. I sighed, quickly closing the toilet and sat on it. "Good morning my love". I said. He smiled, walking over to me, sitting on one knee and moving hair out of my face. I sighed, smiling at him, tiredly. "Are you okay". He asked. I sighed, biting my lip. "Ya..i think it was the chicken". I said. He chuckled a bit. I sighed, looking to the side. "Can you bring me my medicine". I asked. He sighed, grabbing it and giving it to me. I sighed, about to take it until I froze. He stared at me, confused. "what is it". He asked. I stood up, shocked. "My periods late". I said, walking to the mirror. I took a good look at my stomach. I pulled my shirt up a bit, holding my stomach. It looked bigger then usual. I stared at it, shocked. "..that's impossible..can this happen". I asked, looking at him, shocked. He stared at me with shock ness. Then I felt a strong kick in my stomach. I gasped. "Wow...". I said, holding onto my stomach. Then Ruki. Got a phone call. I immediately went over to him, grabbing it and answering it, seeing it was aunt Alice. "Aunt Alice". I said. "Renesmee. Are you okay". She asked. "I'm not 100% shier on that..". I said. "Why. What's wrong. I just..". She said. I stared at the floor, worried. "Aunt Alice. What is it. What did you see". I asked, hearing dad going nuts in the background. SHe sighed. "Here's Carlisle". She said. "Renesmee. What's going on". He asked. I breathed, nervously, looking at Ruki. He held my hand, tightly. "I don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock". I asked. "Has anything been off". He asked. "No umm..I know that it's impossible but..I think that I'm pregnant". I said. Then I felt another strong kick in my stomach. "Wow..grandpa I swear something just moved inside me". I said. Then dad went on the phone immediately. "Get all your stuff ready. COme back to forks. I want you to be eating. I want you to get rest. Don't tell anyone else about this. Just come straight home with Ruki". He said. I nodded. "Ya. Okay". I said. 'Give the phone to Ruki". He said. I gave it immediately to him.

Ruki POV

I held the phone, shakily. "Is this even possible". I asked. "I don't know..just bring Yui back to forks. Don't tell anyone about this. No one. Just bring her here and will find out". He said. I nodded. "Okay. Bye". I said and hung up. She looked at. Me with worry. I gave her a worried look myself. is this possible.

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