chapter 15

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Renesmee POV

We were driving somewhere in the Sakamaki limo. I was holding Ruki hands. "So who's the buffy guy". He whispered. I looked where he was looking and saw my uncle Emmett. I smiled. "Thats my uncle Emmett". I said. "Does he poses any gifts too". He asked. I shook my head. "No. His only the strongest one in the family". I said. My dad chuckled. "Not anymore". My dad said. My uncle scoffed. "Whatever. The rock scratch me. I would of won that arm wrestle fight". He said. I rolled my eyes. "Shier you were uncle. Shier you were". I said. He pouted. "Come on. It was just a game". I said. Jasper chuckled. "Even so your mother beaten him. That shows a lot of weakness".  Jasper said. I snorted. My uncle looked down, sad. "Cheer up uncle. At least you have muscles". I said. He smiled at me. "Thanks kid". he said. I smiled and looked out the window. "So. Since your going to be part of the family. What is your name". Carlisle asked Ruki. Ruki smiled. "My name is Ruki Mukami sir". Ruki said. I smiled. "Well. Might as well introduce you to some of the family. You already know Emmett. This is Jasper and this is Renesmee father Edward". Carlisle said pointing to my dad. Ruki smiled at him. "It's very nice to meet you Edward". He said. My dad rolled my eyes. "You know. What Renesmee said last was true. I can here thoughts...especially yours". He said. Ruki blushed. I rolled my eyes. "Omg dad. Stop scaring people". I said. I got outlay book and started reading. "Ah. Ah. Ah. What do you think your doing". My dad asked me. I looked at him, confused. "Um. I'm reading". I said. He put his hand out. "Your grounded. Remember". He said. I had a shocked look. "What. This is what parents supposed to do to there child". I said. He sighed. "I know but you like reading. So it's not much of a torture. Use your phone". He said. I growled and give him the book. "F.Y.I. I don't have a phone". I said. He threw me a I phone 8. I sighed. "So. Ruki. Have you thought of where to get married". My grandpa asked. Ruki shook his head. "No. Not really. We don't really know where". Ruki said. Turned on the phone. I groaned. "I hate this. I don't even know how to use this". I said. My grandpa sighed. "Just wait until we get to your mother". My dad said. I sighed. I put my head on Ruki shoulder. He kissed my head and laid his head on mine. I breathed. I looked at my dad. He was staring at me. He smiled at me. I smiled back at him.

Soon the limo stopped somewhere. I looked out the window and saw a really fancy hotel. I sighed. "I forgot were rich". I said. My dad chuckled. We got out the Limo and to the hotel. I walked with Ruki to our room. I stopped in front of our bed room. Ruki pulled my hair back and kissed my neck. I smiled. I open the door to our room. I went inside. "So. What do you want to do while we wait for my mom to come back". I asked. He smirked. "Well. We can start with this". He said and kissed me. "Ya and..". I asked. He chuckled. "And this". He said. He rubbed my thighs which made me gasp. "And...". I said. He smirked. "And this...". He said. He pulled my legs around him and put me on the bed. I giggled. "Man I love you". I said and kissed him. He chuckled. "I love you more". He said and kept kissing me. I started un buttoning his shirt. Then someone knocked on our door but we ignored it. He started un buttoning my pants. I giggled. Then we heard the door knock again. He growled. He pinned me to the bed and started kissing my neck. I gasped. Then the door started knocking hard. Ruki growled and looked at the door. "WHO IS IT". He asked. I started un buttoning his pants. He kissed my head. "STOP TRYING TO HAVE SEX. RENESMEE. YOUR MOTHER HERE". My dad said. I growled and look at the door. "COMING". I said. Then I heard my dad's footsteps leave. I groaned and got off the bed. "Looks like were going to have to continue this later". I said and kissed him. He kissed back.

We went to my mothers room. I looked up and saw my mom. I felt like crying. Tears came out of her eyes. I cried and ran to her and hugged her. "Mom". I said. She smiled. "Hey...I missed you". She said. I smiled. "I miss you too". I said. She smiled and wiped my tears away. "Omg. Were going to have to fix your hair". I heard. I looked up and saw my aunt Alice. I smiled and walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged back. I separated from her and looked at my aunt Rosalie. She smiled at me. "Hey. You look beautiful". She said. I smiled and hugged her. Then I looked at my my grandma Esme. She smiled at me and hugged me. I hugged back. "Who's this handsome guy". She asked. I looked behind me and saw Ruki. I smiled. "Guys...This is my fiancé". I said. Alice squealed. "Yes. Another wedding. Don't worry. Leave everything to me. Oh. I'm Alice. I'm her aunt". She said and shook Ruki hand. Ruki shook her hand. I smiled. "Oh. Your Alice. Renesmee told me about you. She said you can see the future". Ruki said. My aunt smiled. "Well she is right. I can". She said. She smelled him. "Oh. Thank goodness you don't smell like a dog". She said. Me and my mom laughed. 

Everyone started loving Ruki. Alice planned the wedding the whole time. Then I introduce my family to the Sakamaki and the Mukami. They didn't like Ayato as much. But ya. Everything was good. 

We were driving back to Forks. Ruki got his own car so we were driving in that one. I looked out the window. "I like your family". He said. I smiled at him. "I'm happy you love them. I thought they would creep you out. We are the cullers after all". I said. He looked at me. "So...why did your aunt say thank god I didn't smell like a wolf". He asked. I looked at the window, sad. I breathed and looked up at him. "For our kind we can smell a werewolf. There smell is like a dog. Remember Jacob". I said. His hands clenched the steering wheel. "Ya...". He said. I breathed. "Well...he was a werewolf". I said. "My family doesn't really like werewolves...I don't like some of them". I said. He grabbed my hand and kissed the top part. "I'm here for you. I'm not going to leave you how he left you". He said. I smiled. I went up to him and kissed him. He kissed back. I breathed. I went in my bag and got out my book. He looked at me. "Aren't you grounded". He asked. I put my finger on my lips. He smiled and nodded. Then I got a call in my phone. I grabbed it and answered it. "Hello". I asked. I heard my dad chuckled. "Renesmee. Your grounded". He said. I growled and threw the book out the back. "Thank you my love". He said. I groaned and hung it up. I crossed my arms. "Hate life right know". I said. Ruki chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll make it all better". He said. His hands went down my pants. I bit my lip. "Oh. Your a naughty boy". I said. He chuckled. He was about to play with me but the phone rang. He growled.

Ruki POV

I growled. I was just getting to the good part. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello". I asked. I heard Renesmee dad. "Don't you dare play with my daughter like that". He said. I stopped the car immediately. "What happened". Renesmee asked. I breathed nervously. "If you ever touch her like that again I will rip you apart and hunt you down like a dog. Do I make myself clear". He asked. I nodded. "Yes sir". I said, fearly. Renesmee growled and grabbed my phone. "Dad. Leave us alone and stay out of Ruki head". She said. I started driving again. "Ya and I don't care dad. I'm 16 already. I can do whatever I want". She said. I smiled. I guess she's a daddy's girl. "Omg dad. I'm going to tell mom you won't get out of our heads". She said. I heard something on the phone. She growled. "Well don't come into our business". She said and hung up the phone". She said and put on some music. I chuckled and rubbed her leg. "It's alright. Will do it again later". I said and winked at her. She giggled. Then the phone rang again. She growled and turned off my phone. I chuckled. 

Jacobs POV

 walked in the vultori. They looked at me, shocked. "Relax. I'm not here to hurt you...I want to help you on finding Renesmee". I said. Aro stared at me. "And why do you want her dead...". He asked. I breathed. "I don't want her dead...I want the boy dead...".

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