Aurora's Birthday

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Aurora walked slowly to collect her wand. Being the first of her 4 sisters to turn 14, she naturally was excited. However, she didn't want it.

Well, she did want it. Her thinking is that it just wasn't hers to take.

Aurora tried to smuggle herself past her sisters and her parents to avoid the confrontation, but was eventually stopped by a guard and escorted to the Main Hall. She walked up and stopped in front of them.

"Oh Goodie!!" Star clapped her hands. 

Marco smiled at his eldest daughter.

Star pulled the wand out from the table behind her and turned it in her hands. "I am going to miss this wand. So, so much. But, as it is tradition, I am to give this wand to you. Your ancestors had power, just as I have power. And now, you have power." Star handed the wand to Aurora.

Aurora took it and stared at the purple and gold stars with wings and horns. Then it glowed and twisted, morphing into her wand. After a second, it turned gold with a pair of peach wings spread out from the side. The middle, now a 10 pointed sun, was surrounded by 12 miniature stars in between the points. A small gold crown adorned the top and a small gold heart secured the bottom.

Aurora looked up at her mother, who looked on eagerly.

"Sooo.....what do I do with it now?"

"HAVE FUN!" Star threw her hands up in the air and jumped a bit, exposing her combat boots (she couldn't stand heels).

Marco facepalmed. "STAR!" 

Star straightened and put an arm around Marco. "Right, right, Have fun responsibly. Of course of course."

Aurora smiled hesitantly at her mother and father. "But Mom, I...I can't have this."

Star frowned. "Why honey?"

"It belongs to Eclipsa. And her daughter, Meteora." Aurora held out the wand to her mom.

Star crouched down and cradled Aurora's face. "Rory, dear, Eclipsa gave me the wand of her own free will. I did not take it from her. You have not taken it from her. Eclipsa will come back some day and she might take it back then for Meteora. But right now, it is yours. So have fun, ok? Fun!"

Star received a poke from Marco.


Marco hugged Aurora firmly. "Aurora, I beleive you will do some good and safe things with that wand. I still, to this day, am not sure about how it works, but Star - your mom, is right. Now, why don't you show your sisters your wand. We have another birthday surprise around the corner but we'll tell you after your mom and I discuss it further."

Aurora mumbled a thank you and started to leave.

"Wait!" Star ran down the stairs, cursing at her dress, and handed Aurora a bag. "These are for you guys to share! They're from your father and I. A mix of Mexican and Mewnian chocolate. Super good trust me!" Star hugged Aurora another time, and then she was off to find her hermanitas.

After a good deal of searching, she found which room they all were in. It was Elizabeth's room, and they were eating what looked like a birthday cake. 

"Hey guys!" Aurora held out her arms for a hug.

The only one to hug her was Luna.

Elizabeth went to the wand and tried to get it, Cressida waited behind the others to get a good look, and Amanda sort of tried to see it, give her a hug, and wait for her turn all at the same time.

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