Okay we are finally in Mewni

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Aurora's sisters were very excited to go to the song day. 

And most of them were excited to dress up

Most of them except Elizabeth, who was struggling to put on tights.

"Come on, Lizzy! It's not that hard!" Luna said from the doorway, dressed up in her red and white dress.

"It. is, for Me!" Elizabeth suddenly struck her foot through the tights, making a gaping hole.

Luna shook her head. "I'll get Mom, she'll know what to do."

Luna left, and Elizabeth sunk to the floor. 

Then Aurora arrived in the middle of the room, stepping gracefully through her portal, Amanda at her heels. 

"Hey guys!" Elizabeth gifted her sisters with a bear hug.

"Okay ew get off of me." Amanda pushed her sister away. Aurora hung on for a moment until Elizabeth began to squirm and she let go. 

"Hey Liz, do you know where Mom and Dad are?" Aurora set her purse down on the table as Amanda spotted her dad and bolted into the hallway. "Ah, wait there goes Amanda and Dad. Mom must be close behind them. I'm gonna follow them. Bye Liz!"

And with that Aurora ran out.

"Aurora! Your ... wand..."

Elizabeth looked at the wand, how it jutted out of Aurora's bag. She snuck to the edge of the doorway and looked both ways. 

Then she quickly stuffed Aurora's wand into her small backpack, threw on her fancy dress, and bolted out the door too.

Aurora: The Princess of  Another DimensionWhere stories live. Discover now