I am a Hunter

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V was sitting on the loveseat in the living room, cuddled up to her boyfriend of two weeks, Colt. He was watching tv and she was watching him.

Why won’t he pay attention to me?

He looked at her and said, "Babe, I'm hungry."

She sighed and got up, "I'll make you a sandwich."

V walked towards the mini kitchen her mum had made just for fixing up something quick. She opened the fridge and got the ingredients out. As she was making the sandwich, her twin brother walked in and stole a piece of ham.

"Sin," she scolded. 

"V," he mimicked.

She rolled her eyes causing him to chuckle. She glared at him and he stopped laughing but there was still amusement in his eyes.

“Dad’s picking Mum up and they’re going to the store. Tell them I went to Stone’s for a while,” he said, hugging her from behind and then kissing her cheek.


“They’ll be home in an hour. Gives you plenty of time,” he moved to stand on the opposite side and wiggled his eyebrows.

She blushed hotly and threw a piece of meat at him which he expertly caught and devoured. “Go away, Sin.”

He turned, laughing, “Going.”

She walked toward the loveseat, sandwich in hand. She handed it to Colt and he set it on the table. He pulled her on his lap and kissed her hard.

 Sin called from the door, “Use protection, Invidia!”

She rolled her eyes again and said, “You too, Sinclair!”

She watched her brother walk out of the door and when she was sure he wasn’t coming back, she turned to face Colt, who had a weird expression in his face.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Your name is Invidia?”

She sighed, here it goes, “Yeah.”

“As in Invidia Hunter, the heiress of Luxuria?”

This was the very reason why she didn’t want to be known as Invidia Hunter.

“Don’t remind me.”

He pushed her off his lap with force. He stood up and paced angrily.

“What’s wrong, Colt?” she asked as she stood from the ground.

“What’s your mother’s name?”

“Everyone knows my mother’s name, Colton,” she said.

He stalked towards her, “What is your mother’s name?”

V didn’t flinch. Her mother taught her never to cower.


“What’s her last name?”


“Before she married your father!”

“Cross,” she answered, growing confused by the second.

His eyes grew wide and then turned hard.

“You… you… demon spawn,” he yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her. “I knew it was you. You look like her and when I learned your last name, I thought I knew for sure. But everyone called you V. Not Invidia.”

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