So Much For Spending Time Together

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The next day, Clay woke up to a knock on the door. He got up to open the door and was greeted by Lorraine’s smiling face.

“Hi, Mum,” he greeted groggily.

“Hello, darling. Meet us downstairs in half an hour,” she kissed him on the cheek and walked back to their room.

Clay closed the door and hobbled like a zombie towards V. He gazed at her sleeping form.

God, she is so beautiful. I wish I could wake up to her face every day.

He slowly shook her, “V, time to wake up.”

When she opened her eyes and found his face only inches away, she smiled, “Good morning.”

“Morning, sunshine. Mum said to meet her in half an hour.”

With that, V immediately bolted from the bed, “Half an hour? That’s not enough time!”

She raced towards the bathroom in lightning speed which made Clay chuckle. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom wearing a light blue summer dress.

“How do I look?” she asked, twirling to show off her dress.

He stuttered, “You... look… great.”

She practically lit up and ran to hug him, “Thanks, Clay.” She slipped her arm in the crook of his elbow and steered him towards the door, “Now, let’s go. I’m hungry.”

Her last statement caused him to laugh, “When are you not?”

After breakfast, Dad announced that he planned to take Mum somewhere so they were free for the day.

Before he could ask V what she wanted to do, Stone approached V and demanded, “Let’s go, V.”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going surfing. Well, I’m going surfing and you can be my devoted girlfriend, cheering me on,” he playfully winked.

He resisted the urge to punch Stone in the face. Clay never had a problem with him before but he was stealing V away.

She laughed and said, “Okay. Let me go change.”

She didn’t even invite me to come.

When the two left, Sin came towards him, chuckling, “Dude, calm down. You look like you’re ready to kill someone.”

“I am,” he mumbled.

Sin laughed even louder, “Don’t worry, he’s not interested.”

“How do you know?” Clay raised an eyebrow.

“Because I know Stone. Now, come on.”

“Where are we going?” Clay asked.

“We’re going to get V to notice you. Now, go upstairs and change into your running gear.”

“We’re going running?” Clay asked again.

“We’re going to the gym.”


“Because, Clayton, women like guys who are confident. And what better way to build confidence than through exercise.” Sin said in an exasperated tone.

“Are you sure?” he asked suspiciously.

Sin nodded, “There’s a science behind it.”

When Clay looked at him doubtfully, Sin just said, “Trust me, okay?”

“Fine,” he muttered and went up to change.

They grabbed lunch first and then went to the gym.

Note to self; never starve a Hunter.

Four hours in the gym and Clay was exhausted. He trudged towards the room hoping to take a nice hot shower and spend a quiet night with V. When he walked in the room, she was getting ready to go out.

“Are we going somewhere?” he asked her.

She jumped, obviously startled.

Huh, weird. V is never surprised.

“Uhm… no. Stone invited me out for drinks,” she stammered.

She doesn’t stammer either. What’s going on?

“Oh. Well, have a nice night.”

She smiled her dazzling smile and put on her shoes, “Thanks, Clay.” She kissed his cheek and left in a hurry.

She forgot to invite me again.

Two hours after midnight and she wasn’t back yet. Clay was beginning to worry. He knocked on Sin’s door and was greeted by a sleepy Sin.

“What do you want, Clay?” Sin asked, clearly annoyed.

“Are they not back yet?” he worried like a mother hen.

Sin laughed, “Dude, calm down. V is 21. She can take care of herself. Plus, she has Stone with her.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

“I told you, he’s not interested in her. Go to sleep. She’ll be fine.”

“Fine,” he mumbled and went back to the room.

Trying not to worry about V, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes.

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