Overreact Much?/Clay's Promise

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Spring Break was finally approaching and Clay couldn’t wait to go on vacation with the family. He thought of all the amazing things he was going to do while they were in Jamaica. He was currently packing since the trip was two days away. V was looking around his room since she’d never been inside. He brought her to his house a couple of times but she only saw the living room.

“Really, Clay? You’re bringing a book to Jamaica?” V asked him in a pitiful voice.

Without looking at her, he shrugged and continued to pack.

She sighed, “Suit yourself.”

She continued looking around and stopped at his bookshelf, “You only have our pictures in here.”

Oh no, she’s going to think I’m sort of creep.

“Yeah…well..” he started

She snorted, “Gosh, Clay-Clay, you need to find new friends.”

He laughed nervously, “Yeah, I should.  Considering that friend is getting old.”

She threw a pillow at him, “I’m only a week older, you knobhead!”

“Wow, V. Knobhead. Very classy.”

“Shut up,” she said which caused him to laugh.

She plopped down on his bed which immediately broke. He stopped packing and sighed.

This is why I never brought her here. It’s so messy and loud, and not to mention cheap.

She shot up and cried, “I broke your bed. Oh no, I broke your bed! Oh God, I’m fat. I am so fat.”

V saw his worried expression and immediately rushed to him.  She took his hand with tears spilling down her face, “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to break your bed. I’ll go on a diet, I swear. And I’ll replace it. I’ll call Mum right away.”

She ran to her purse, which was on his table by the door, and grabbed her phone. She frantically called Mum.

When mum answered, she didn’t bother to say hello. She started to ramble, “Mum, I broke Clay’s bed. No, it wasn’t like that. I plopped on his bed and it broke. I am so fat. Can you-“

Before she could finish, Clay grabbed the phone, “Hi, Mum.”

Lorraine answered cheerily, “Clayton”

“How are you?”

“I was about to perform surgery but Invidia called and the staff knows to always put me through when family is concerned. So what is this about a broken bed?”

“Don’t worry about it, Mum. It was old anyway. I’ve had it since I was six.”

“Darling, you’ve had the same bed since you were six? My, my. That just won’t do.”

“No, mum. Please-“

“I have to go, darling. Please tell Invidia I got it covered. I love you both very much,” and she hung up.

He looked at the phone and muttered “I love you too, Mum”

Clay slowly walked towards V, who was curled up on the floor, crying.

“V, it’s not your fault.”

“Yeah, it is. I broke your bed. I’m fat. I’ll go on a diet. I’m sorry, Clay, I didn’t mean to break it. I promise I won’t touch anything.”

He guffawed at her expression, “V, my bed was old. It wasn’t your fault.”

She looked at him with eyes filled with hope, “It wasn’t?”

“No, of course not.”

She slowly dried her eyes and nodded, “Okay”

He helped her get up and the moment she was standing, she hugged him tight. Not knowing what to do or say for that matter, he returned her hug.

 Clay vowed to himself that he would never be the cause of V’s unhappiness. He’d work day and night to give her the luxurious life she was used to. But first, he had to get her to see past his status and money. He just hoped she’d settle for a geeky and poor mutt.

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