I Got Mum in Trouble..but It Doesn't Look Like She Minds

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After four hours of going head to head with her twin, then Stone, and finally, her mother, V felt more energized than ever. Expelling all her frustration left no room for negativity. A young boy, about the age of 19, went over to her and handed her a towel and a water bottle. She smiled, thanked him, and downed the water in one gulp. V got up, wiped her sweat away, and headed for the dressing hallway. After their mother told them about their status, she brought the twins, Stone, and Clay to the academy. V loved it here.

Why go to the gym when you can stay fit by fighting with your brothers?

V opened the door to her right, at the end of the hallway. After Lorraine deciding that her children could handle the lessons, she gave them each a dressing room, which seemed more like an apartment, fully equipped with a kitchen, a shower/bath, and a bedroom. V strutted over to the bedroom and found her duffel bag sitting exactly where she left it, on the bed. She grabbed her phone on the side of her bag and saw that Colt had called, 19 times.

What does he want now?

V stuffed her phone at the bottom of her bag, stepped into bathroom, and took a quick shower. She then grabbed her bag and walked out of her dressing room. As she went back to main gym to tell her Mum she was ready, she noticed her father looking at her mum. Lorraine was teaching a small group how to defend yourself from a bigger man, in case you should encounter one.

V tiptoed over to her Dad, “You know, it’s not polite to stare and drool over women.”

Finn whipped around and gave her a sheepish grin.

Her father then huffed, “I do not stare and drool over women. I’ve only ever stared and drooled over one woman. But don’t tell your mother or she might get jealous.”

As if on cue, Lorraine turned and yelled, “Finnigan! I can hear you! Now hush, I am trying to teach a class.”

V laughed and her dad gave her a wink. He sauntered over to his wife and tried to grab her by the waist. Mum quickly dodged him and pinned him to the ground without breaking a sweat. It all happened so fast, not even V knew what happened. Sin and Stone chuckled from the other side of the gym.

Sin hollered, “That’s what you get, Dad!”

Finnigan Hunter shook his head as if to clear his mind, then he rolled over so it was Mum who was pinned to the ground. Lorraine narrowed his eyes and opened her mouth to say something but Dad quickly avoided the scolding by kissing her. Finn deepened the kiss when he felt his wife yield.

When they showed no signs of stopping, V cleared her throat and yelled, “Mum, let’s go shopping!”

They slowly pulled apart. Dad kissed Mum on the forehead, got up, and extended a hand to help her up.

 Lorraine called out, “Boys, your turn.”

The boys whooped and hurried over to the class, ready to teach.

Someone handed Lorraine a bottle and towel and she thanked them. Her parents strolled over to where she stood.

Lorraine spoke first, “I apologize for your father’s behaviour.”

Finn laughed, “I don’t apologize.”

Mum shot him a warning glare and Dad moved towards her. She held out a hand to stop his advances and said, “I have to go shower and change.”

Dad’s eyes twinkled with mischief and he pulled Mum by the arm towards the dressing hallway, “I’ll help you!”

Mum laughed, “Of course, you will.”

V chuckled, took a seat on one of the bleachers, and observed her brothers in action as she waited for her parents.

By the time her parents emerged out of the hallway, it was already six. They went to dinner first then Mum sent Dad home, claiming that it was mother daughter time. Dad reluctantly went home but not without making Mum promise to be home by ten. They spent the night going from store to store, blowing up money that wouldn’t even make a dent on her mother’s account. V never had so much fun in her life. Who cares if she didn’t have many girl friends. She had her mother and that was more than enough. It was half an hour past ten and they quietly sneaked into the house since all the lights were off. Before they could cross the foyer to head to the living room, the light came on.

Dad got up from the couch and scolded, “By ten, Lorraine. You promised!”

Uh-oh. We’re in trouble.

Lorraine smiled at her daughter, “I got this. Go up to your room. You must be tired.”

V nodded gratefully, then kissed her Mum on the cheek, “Thank you, Mum. I had the best time.”

Her mother kissed her on the forehead, “The purchases will be here tomorrow. Now, get a good night’s sleep. I love you, darling.”

“I love you, Mum” and she walked toward her Dad, gave him a peck on the cheek and said, “I love you, Dad.”

He smiled and kissed the top of her head, “I love you too, pumpkin. Now go on up to bed while I deal with your mother.”

V climbed up the stairs but stopped on the top step and peeked down on her parents. Dad looked furious. Mum put her purse down on the couch and walked over to Dad.

She wound her arms around his neck, “Why so grumpy, old man?”

He scowled, “You said you’d be home by ten!”

Lorraine caressed his cheek, “I know, darling. We had so much fun, we lost track of time.”

You would think Finn would accept the excuse but he scowl deepened. Lorraine kissed the scowl away. Her father relaxed and pulled her closer. When they pulled apart, he sighed.

Mum looked up at him and asked, “Am I forgiven?”

Dad said, “No. I am still angry with you.”

Mum pouted, “How can I make you forgive me then?”

Finn grinned devilishly and carried her up the stairs, “I know exactly how.”

V quickly went inside her room so she wouldn’t interrupt them but Dad’s voice boomed out, “Invidia, Sinclair, Stonewall!”

V went out of her room, and a few seconds later, her brothers came out of their room, half naked.

All three chorused, “Yes, Dad?”

Finn looked at his children and instructed, “Do not disturb us. I don’t care if the house is on fire, if someone is looking for me, or if aliens are taking over. DO. NOT. DISTURB. US.”

“Yes, Dad,” they answered.

Finn nodded and carried his wife towards the room on the left at the end of the huge hallway.

The soundproof room.

The three looked at each other and laughed.

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