I am the Daughter of the Ice Witch, I Refuse to be Humiliated

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Two weeks had passed and V hasn’t seen Clay once. She tried to avoid the negatives but situations of him leaving her or finding someone else always made its way into her mind. Thankfully, her cell phone rang, bringing her out of her overactive imagination. V looked at the screen and was surprised to see her mother’s name popping up.

She tapped the answer button on the screen and was greeted by Lorraine’s cheery voice, “Sweetheart!”

V smiled, “Hi, mum.”

“Invidia, come have lunch with your old parents.”

V laughed, “Mum, you’re not old. Because if you are, then I am too.”

“You want something,” her mother teased.

She laughed again, “You got me.”

Lorraine replied, “Then meet us at your favourite restaurant and we’ll see about getting you what you want.”

V cheered, “Will Sin be there?”

“No, darling. He is at the academy.”

Of course, V rolled her eyes.

Sin loved the academy. It was his life. When the time came, he would run the academy.

Remembering her mother was waiting on the other line, she said, “I’ll be there in half an hour.”

“Great. We’ll be waiting. I love you, darling.”

“I love you too, Mum,” and V ended the call.

She grabbed her purse and keys, and headed out the door. She got into her hot pink Volkswagen C70 which was parked in the driveway. She was only 10 minutes away from the restaurant when she got caught on traffic. Apparently, there had been a collision. Instead of getting frustrated, she turned on her music. Waiting patiently in her car, she sang along to the love songs that boomed through the speakers. She looked around her surroundings to see if she could find something to pass the time. Looking to her left, she saw people gathering around the collision. To her right, she saw Clay opening the door to a hotel for a girl their age. She had curly brown hair which was kept in a nice side braid, huge brown eyes, and legs that stretched for miles. They were laughing at something, then they were hugging. After breaking apart, they walked towards the elevator.

Probably up to their suite.

Rather than being angry and hurt, she felt defeated.

I knew it was too good to be true.

Half an hour later, she arrived at the restaurant. She sashayed through the place with her head held high.

I am the daughter of the Ice Witch. Weakness is not an option. I will not be humiliated, V chanted.

She noticed her parents sitting at a round corner table. They were sitting side by side and her father was whispering something into her mother’s ear, making her laugh. She took them in, Finn in his blue jeans, grey cowl neck sweater, and his favourite brown loafers and Lorraine in her black tights, a pink sleeveless long top, a beige cardigan, and pink knee high boot. She looked down at her skinnies, boots, white tank, and leather jacket. They looked like average citizens. When she approached their table, her father stood first.

He went around the table and held out his arms, “Pumpkin!”

She smiled and gladly went into his father’s arms, thankful for the comfort, “Dad.”

When her father released her, her mother stood up.

 Lorraine looked her directly in the eyes and said, “Tell me everything.”

They sat down and ordered. When their food arrived, she told her parents everything. From what happened after they got back from Spring Break, to what happened an hour ago.

After her story, her mother said, “It probably isn’t what you think.”

V sighed, “I don’t care anymore, Mum. I don’t want to dwell on the past. What’s done is done.”

Lorraine looked like she was about to say something but decided against it. After their meal, her dad excused himself, “I’m sorry, my love. My assistant just texted me and one of the departments is experiencing some difficulties meeting the deadline for the new launch.”

Lorraine touched her husband’s cheek and quickly assured him, “It’s okay, Finn. You go and do what you need to do. Just make sure you come home to me.”

Finn kissed his wife, slowly and surely, “I always do.”

He turned to V and kissed her on the head, “Everything will be fine, my sweet. You’ll see. Mum has the best cure for a broken heart.”

V nodded and smiled up at her father, “Thanks, Dad.”

Finn kissed his wife one more time then he released her. Lorraine looked star struck and said, “I have a surprise for you when you get home.”

Her dad grinned widely and practically ran out of the establishment. He called out, “Then I’ll be home before you get a chance to miss me.”

V looked at her mother, all flushed and happy. She was so different from how the media portrayed her.

Lorraine turned around and faced her daughter, “Are you ready?”

“For what?” V asked.

Her mother got up and signed the check, “There are two things that never fail to cheer me up.”

“Dad and Dad?” V asked cheekily.

Lorraine smiled, “Besides your father.”

When V looked at her questioningly, she supplied the answer, “The academy and shopping.”

V laughed wholeheartedly as her mother linked her arm through hers and dragged her out of the restaurant. Lorraine got into the driver’s seat of V’s car, waited for her daughter to climb in, and drove straight to the academy.

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