Is It That Obvious?

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Two hours later, they were heading to the beach. When V emerged from bathroom in a bikini, Clay was afraid he drowned the whole resort with his drool. V suggested they play volleyball and because of the princess that she is, she had everyone agreeing. They had to separate the twins because, alone, they were great. Together, they were undefeated. So Sin was with Stone, and V, naturally, was on his side. Because of the athlete that he was, after two sets, Clay was out of breath.

He announced, “Guys, I’m done.”

“Me too,” Sin said.

They went towards their chaises. Without looking up, Mum called out and threw two water bottles their way. Clay dodged just in time leaving Sin to catch the water. Sin tossed him a bottle and drained his in one gulp.

Hunters, he silently snickered.

After catching his breath, Sin turned toward him and asked, “So when are you going to tell her?”

“Tell who what?” he asked, clearly confused.

“When are you going to tell V you love her?”

He blushed, “I don’t love her.”

Sin laughed, “Please, you look at her the way Dad looks at Mum.”

They both turned to where Mum was sitting, reading a book. As a waiter approached, Dad grabbed the drink tray and shooed the man away. He walked towards his wife and gave her the drink. She smiled up at him and said something. He shook his head sadly causing her to shrug. Lorraine put her book down, stood up, and shrugged her robe off. Dad’s jaw dropped to the floor as she sashayed towards the water in a red bikini. Even at 41, Mum looked like she was 30. Everyone stared after her making Dad shed his clothes quickly. He ran after her and made a big show of holding her hand and kissing it. She looked at him with a challenge in her eyes and not long after, they were racing towards the waves. Sin and Clay chuckled at their parents’ silliness.

Clay sighed, “I’m not good enough for her. I can’t give her anything. I’m dirt poor and I don’t come from a prestigious family. Heck, I can’t even put enough food on the table for my family.”

Sin raised his eyebrows, “Since when did V ever care about money or social status?”

“I know, but she’ll never see me as more than her dorky friend.”

Sin thought about for a moment, then nodded, “Maybe. Or maybe, one day, she’ll look at you the way Mum looks at Dad,” Sin said, gesturing to their parents on the water. Dad tucked Mum’s hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek. She looked at him in awe, like he could move mountains and walk on water.

He looked to where V and Stone were playing, “Maybe.”

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