This Break is Off to a Great Start

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V got out of the car and immediately felt her head spin. Getting dumped through text before they boarded and being on a plane with three adolescent boys just ruined her mood. All through the flight, she had to listen to Sin, Clay, and Stone argue while playing video games. Thank God they took one of the private planes or she would not only be dealing with immature numbskulls but people as well. She took a seat in the hotel’s front lobby while her mother approached the front desk. A few minutes later, Lorraine returned with a frown on her face.

A frown on the Ice Witch’s face? This isn’t good. The world is going to end.

Seeing her face, her father got up and asked, “What’s wrong, my love?”

Mum looked at Dad apologetically, “I seem to have made a mistake. I only booked three rooms.”

“Well, let’s go book some more,” her father suggested.

Her mother’s frown deepened, “They don’t have any rooms left.” She turned to the children, “I’m sorry, gang. I must’ve forgotten.”

Mum? Forget something? The world is ending.

Everyone immediately got up and reassured her it was okay.

Mum smiled gratefully at them, “Well, we’ll just have to make the most of it. So, Sin and V, I presume, will be sharing a room.”

Sin quickly protested, “Oh no, I’m not sharing a room with her. She’s too cheery and loud and she likes to snuggle. Gross.”

Her mother looked crestfallen.

V looked at Clay and he nodded so she turned to her mum, “Clay and I will share, mum. Stone and Sin can share.” She stuck her tongue out at her brother and his best friend and added, “They can have a contest to see who snores the loudest.”

Her mum hugged her hard and clapped happily, “Perfect. Now, here are the keys to the rooms. Get up to your rooms and settle in. Then meet us down here in an hour.”

“An hour? How long does it take to get settled in? Besides, I’m getting hungry,” Sin whined.

Mum blushed but Dad quickly answered, “We have a lot of…unpacking to do.”

Her mother recovered and said in her normal, cheery tone, “Yes, so we’ll meet you all down here in an hour and then we’re heading to the beach in the afternoon.”

Before Mum could finish, Dad was dragging her to the elevator. The doors weren’t even closed yet and dad was already kissing her.

Stone said, “Damn, Dad must be getting hungry too,” which made everyone laugh.

They grabbed their luggage and headed to the elevators. Since V had a lot of bags, the boys had to help her to the room she was sharing with Clay first. Then Sin and Stone disappeared to their own room which was across the hall. V took in the room. It was huge with a homey feel. Then she glanced at Clay who was already unpacking and settling in. She’s going to be sharing a room with Clay for one whole week.

God help me.

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