So..That's How The Whole School Found Out

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It’s been two months since spring break and Clay was still felt like he was on cloud nine. When he got home, he found a new bed in his room.

Mum, he thought to himself.

 He and V went out to dinner and a movie the day they got back from Jamaica. They went on dates every weekend. After a month, Clay asked V to be his girlfriend. He was ecstatic when she said yes but he asked her to keep their relationship a secret. He didn’t want her to be mocked for being his girl. Although V didn’t like it, she conceded. Clay entered the cafeteria and immediately zeroed on V. Even though everyone knew they were best friends, they sat at different tables during lunch. V sat with the “popular kids”. They weren’t your typical cool kids. Most of them were actually really nice. V, at the moment, was talking to Brad, the clichéd jock. He had a muscular build, which you could clearly see under the varsity jacket, dark hair, and brown eyes. Seeing her uncomfortable expression, he walked towards her table and overheard their conversation. Brad was asking V out on a date. She clearly didn’t know how to answer him without giving their relationship away.

The nerve of this guy. Asking out my girl.

Then he remembered, no one knew she was his.

 Trying to ease V’s discomfort, he cleared his throat, “She has a boyfriend.”

Brad turned around and got up, “Nobody asked you, geek.”

Clay looked at V, who looked tense and ready to pounce.

 He shook his head at her then faced Brad, “You’re right. But since V obviously didn’t want to hurt your feelings, thought I should do it.”

Brad laughed, “Wow, puppy’s got bite.”

Clay shrugged which made Brad angry, “Who are you to talk? Everyone knows you’re just V’s little pet.”

Before he could answer, V got up and stood in the middle of both boys to avoid a fist fight.

She faced Clay, “He’s right, Clay. Nobody asked you.” Then she turned to the smug bastard, “But he’s right too, Brad. I have a boyfriend.”

Brad was taken aback, “What? Who?”

V, once again, faced Clay. She looked at him as if she were begging. With the way she was looking at him, Clay would do just about anything for her.

So this is how Mum gets Dad to do things for her.

Not wanting to make her unhappy, he slowly nodded. She smiled her brilliant smile, looped her arms around his neck, and pulled him towards her. With a wink, she kissed him. Suddenly, they were transported back to the beach in Jamaica, where they first kissed. He pulled her closer till he could feel the heat of her body. Not caring who was looking, he deepened the kiss. A few seconds later, they pulled apart, breathless. They were smiling at each other. Before she could say anything, he kissed her forehead.

She turned to face Brad and the gawking audience, “Brad, my boyfriend Clay. Clay, the entire school.”

He awkwardly waved. V, knowing he hated the spotlight, clapped her hands, “Well, the cat’s out of the bag. If you’ll excuse us, I believe it is the gentleman’s job to walk his woman to class.”

She grabbed her things from their table and slipped her arm on the crook of his. She urged him to walk. Before they could walk out of the cafeteria, Clay heard someone say “Finally.” It was Jade, V’s friend. Little by little, people started to clap till the whole room erupted in cheers. By that time, Clay and V were already outside.

As they walked to V’s next class, Clay said, “Wow. That was unexpected.”

She laughed, “I know.”

They stopped in front of her room and Clay pulled her closer, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the weekend.”

She laughed again, “You could’ve kissed me anytime if we didn’t have to hide.”

Clay nodded, “I know. And since everyone knows, I can kiss you anytime I want.”

He leaned in for a kiss but she stopped him, “I have class and so do you.”

He complained, “I can’t go. I’m too kiss deprived.”

She playfully smacked him but she moved to kiss him slowly.

When they broke apart, Clay was sad to let her go, even though it was just for a short period of time, “Fine, I’ll go to class.”

“That’s the spirit.”

As soon as he turned around, she slapped his butt. He turned to her, blushing, “V”

She winked, “I’ll miss you, Clay-Clay.”

He laughed at how silly she could be, “I’ll miss you, ViVi.”

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