A Love Like Mum and Dad's

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V was sitting on the couch with Clay, her boyfriend.

I can finally call him mine.

They were watching his favourite movie, V for Vendetta, since they just finished watching her favourite, Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. V nudged him with her shoulder and when he looked at her, she leaned in for a kiss.

Before their lips could touch, a booming voice called out, “Seraphina Lorraine Hunter!”

That’s weird, V thought. Dad only used full names when he was crossed and he’s never cross with Mum.

Her mother came running down the stairs in one of Dad’s shirts which looked huge on her. She was at the end of the couch, using it as a shield. V would’ve worried if her mother wasn’t laughing. Dad stomped towards the living room, wearing only jeans and sporting the disheveled look. He stopped at the other end of the couch.

V asked, “What’s wrong, Dad?”

He was flushed and pissed off, “Your mother lied!”

Mum? Lie?

“About what?”

“I made sweet love to her and she said, and I quote, It was okay,”

Her mother said with a serious face, “It was.”

Dad growled making Mum laugh, “You lie!”

V thought her mother would get defensive but she just waved a careless hand, “Fine, it was out of this world. Happy?”

She and Clay both looked at Dad, who looked unsatisfied, “No.”

Mum inquired, “Why not?”

“Because you won’t tell me you love me,” and he lunged towards her.

Mum squealed and ran towards the kitchen with Dad hot on her heels. He caught her wrist and spun her to face him.

“Say it,” he demanded, holding both her wrists

“No,” she answered defiantly, lifting her chin.

“Lorraine,” he warned.

“Yes?” she asked sweetly, giving him her most angelic look.

Dad growled again, “Jesus, woman!”

He pushed her against the fridge and trapped her body with his. He held the sides of her face and kissed her. Kissed her long and hard as if it were some sort of punishment. When they pulled apart, they were both breathless.

He looked at her, “Tell me”

Mum shook her head.

He begged and V heard the pain in his voice, “Please?”

Her mum smiled and looked directly into her dad’s eye, “I love you, Finn.”

V noticed her dad’s shoulders relax and heard him sigh, “I love you, Lorraine. Oh, I have something for you.”

Dad ran up the stairs and returned a minute later with a jewelry box. He stood in front of Mum and opened the box to reveal a necklace with two hearts joined together as its pendant.

Finn said huskily, “Because you and I are one.”

Lorraine smiled up at him and turned around, “Put it on me.”

Dad shakily took the necklace and put it on her.

V watched her mum turn around, wind her arms around dad’s neck, and pull him in for a kiss. He groaned, broke the kiss, and carried her up the stairs.

Clay started chuckling, “They’ve been married for 20 years and they still act like a couple of teenagers in love.”

V sighed, “Isn’t it beautiful? I’ve always wanted a love like theirs.”

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