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V entered the living room and saw that everyone was gathered. She looked at her parents, Sin, Stone, and then Clay. They all sat with serious expressions.

Nervous, she asked, “What’s going on?”

Finnigan Hunter stood up, “We need to talk, Invidia.”

Oh my God. Invidia? This must be serious.

She put down her purse on the table and sat between her parents.

V asked, “What about?”

Both her parents replied, “Your future.”

“What about it?”

Her father got up once again and stood in the middle.

He cleared his throat and began, “Well, children. Your mother and I think that it is time for you to choose your paths for your future. As you know, we love you all equally and we’ve decided to pass on our worldly possessions.”

Sin’s eyebrow shot up, “I don’t understand, Dad.”

Lorraine got up and stood beside her husband, “We’re passing on to you Luxuria and The Academy.”

All four looked at their parents with their mouths hung agape.

Her mother continued, as if she didn’t drop a major bomb on her children, “We believe you are all capable of running and continuing our legacies. We have absolute faith in you. Of course, you don’t have to make the decision right away. Take all the time you need.”

Clay slowly raised his hand.

Lorraine acknowledged him, “Yes, darling?”

He got up and stood with them, “I’ve already made my choice but may I say something first?”

Lorraine nodded, grabbed her husband’s hand, and sat back down. Now everybody was looking at Clay.

He coughed, “Well, uhm…I’ve been planning this for quite a while now..soo..”

He climbed up the stairs and came down a minute later. Clay extended a hand to V and pulled her to her feet.

V looked at him, worried, “Clay, what’s wrong?”

“You know I love you, right?” Clay whispered.

She smiled, “Of course.”

He slowly knelt on one knee and V heard her mother gasp, “Oh my God, Finn!”

Clay looked up at her, nervously, “Every time I think of the future, all I can see is your beautiful face. I want to wake up every day with you next to me. I want to love you, cherish you, laugh with you, hurt with you, have a family with you, and grow old with you. What I'm really trying to say is,V, will you marry me?”

He presented her with a small jewelry box. Nestled inside was a 12K red diamond.

Tears spilled from V’s eyes, “Of course!"

Everybody erupted in cheers. Clay slipped the ring on her finger, which now sat on top of the promise ring he gave her, got up, and kissed her.

“Thank you,” he said after releasing her.

She laughed and hugged him, “No, Clay. Thank you! I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

In the middle of the impromptu engagement celebration, Sin cleared his throat, “Uhm.. I know we’re supposed to be celebrating but I would just like to say I’ve made up my mind.”

Everyone looked at Sin expectantly so he continued, “I know Mum and Dad gave all four of us Luxuria and The Academy to split and I am very honoured to be given the opportunity. However, my heart belongs to The Academy.”

Lorraine got up and hugged Sin, “Oh, sweetheart! That’s fantastic. I have great confidence in you and Stone.”

Stone looked surprised, “How did you know I was going to choose The Academy as well?”

Mum just laughed, pulled Stone out of his chair and hugged both boys.

Sin promised, “We’ll make you proud, Mum.”

Lorraine released them and wiped her tears away, “You already do, my darlings.”

She kissed both boys on the cheek and then turned to the newly engaged couple.

She beamed at them, “And you?”

V laughed, “Well, my fiancée and I choose to run Luxuria. I believe Clay will do well in running the business. He’s almost as good as Dad.”

Finn got up, stood beside his wife, and tucked her to his side, “I agree.”

Clay looked down and blushed, “Thank you, Dad.”

Finn shook his head and smiled, “No need to thank me, son. I couldn’t have asked for a better successor and a better son-in-law.”

“Now, we celebrate! Again!” Lorraine announced causing everyone to laugh.

After the celebration, everyone was cleaning up.

Sin and Stone went to bed since they finished with their chores first.

Mum came into the kitchen and said, “Wow, I’m not even tired.”

Finn snaked his arms around his wife’s waist, “I can help with that.”

He then hauled her into his arms, winked at them, and carried her up the stairs.

Her parents’ laughter filled the house and Clay and V both shared a smile.

When they were done, Clay pulled her into his arms and gazed directly into her eyes, “I love you, my beautiful future wife.”

She gave him her brightest and happiest smile, “And I love you, my handsome future husband.”

Clay leaned in for a kiss and V met him halfway. She deepened the kiss when she felt desire shoot through her entire body.

She broke away and lowered her eyes, “How much do you love me?”

Clay said without hesitation, “As much as Dad loves Mum.”

V’s face brightened. She grabbed his arm and led him up the stairs, “Prove it.”

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