Freed (Chapter 1)

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"Aoww!" I groaned as I hit the ground, "Shit!"

Excuse my manners, my name is Ignis the eldest archangel. The only female so that's important I guess. You all must be well aware of who my brothers (and sisters) are. Anyways so before the beginning of time, there was darkness and light otherwise known as Amara and God. Long story short, God made 5 Archangels to fight her.  So, I pretended to be on her side, you know against Dad's plan and stuff, then the rest of the God Squad show up and locked her up and it was going swimmingly except the fact that she took me with her.

So, 60 billion years later that's why I'm in a field in the middle of dad knows where and the world is very much screwed. I decided to reach out for my brothers and... nothing. 

"Damn it!" I shout scaring off a few birds. They retreat from this massive field, golden from the sun on the crops as the sun falls from the sky.

Suddenly, it feels like my brain is imploding as thousands of visions showing what I have missed Lucifer's fall, the apocalypse and how it was avoided, the civil war everything up till now, crashing into my brain as the floor attacks me. After some time, I awake and feel a thousand emotions, anger because of my brothers trying to kill each other, sadness because I couldn't help as well as a longing for I home that no longer exists the way it used to. I must do something but what? My first plan to find them, team up and kick her ass wouldn't work.

Gabe and Raph are dead! I still remember them learning to fly, how hard it was to get Gabe to concentrate and Raph how easy he found it surprised me, he was such an easy learner. How I have missed them, missed everybody. And it hurt like hell.

I have decided that  I will find the Winchesters.

Lucifer's Point of View

A loud shriek bellowed from the cage I had only been put back into not that long ago.  There had been a major disturbance to my cage. She was back.

"The darkness is back!" Micheal yelled, his face panic-stricken at the thought of her return and I don't blame him.

"Wow! You must be the genius of the family!" I retorted bitterly.  He rolled his eyes at me. This sums up the entire time we have been here since Sam escaped, as well as arguing and threats of course. After a while, Micheal responded to Amara.

"Maybe dad will come back and get us out." Micheal almost whispered, probably because he knew this would be my reaction.

"Oh yes, Just like Heaven got you! Face it Dad isn't coming back and sure as hell isn't going to get us if he does!" I yelled. Dad didn't come back for the apocalypse why would he suddenly care now and even if so why would he get the most dysfunctional brothers in this damned universe. 

The silence returned as my thoughts drifted to our sister. She taught us so much, it has been so long. I wonder what her opinion of what happened would be. We all presumed that she was dead as horrible as was; we all seemed a little different after. When the fledgelings came to be Micheal took the eldest sibling role and no one said anything.

Ignis' point of view

After searching the Earth a few time I found nothing. They must be hidden.  

"Why must everything be so bloody difficult!" I shouted to whoever was listening as I collapsed to the floor. Who could I find? An angel maybe. But they wouldn't know me and wouldn't help. I could ask my brothers but that means I have to find the cage wherever the hell it was (excuse the pun).  Maybe I should find this so-called "Crowley".  Yeah because he's totally going to let my brothers out.

 "Oh yes just say  Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo and it will open!" I mocked but maybe speaking to him might not be a bad idea. So to hell, I go.

The stench of burning flesh overwhelms me as I start gagging. Why would anyone want to rule over this dump? I ask myself. After a few minutes of turning corners through the labyrinth of cold stone walls, I finally find a demon.

"I would like to speak to Crowley as soon as possible please."

"And you are who exactly?" The demon retorted.

I sighed "Ignis, you probably won't know who I am but I'm an archangel. Now I need to speak with Crowley Immediately!" I reply sternly.

"Uhh... Okay .... this way ma'am." 

We walk into another stone room. This must be Crowley I think as I spot the man sat on a throne half paying attention to a demon in front of him telling him about a warning coming from the cage.

"Look the darkness is just, a myth a children's bedtime story to get the angels to behave so stop taking up my precious time!" Crowley shouted at the demon who has now briskly walked out of sight.

"Really," I reply as I strode up to him" just a bedtime story. How sure are you of that Crowley?"

"Who the hell are you to question me?" Crowley responded clearly irritated

"My name is Ignis the first archangel, I believe you are well aware of who my brothers are," I said watching him flinch at my title. "Now my aunty, the darkness, is very much real released by your best buddies, the Winchesters. They have no hope in stopping her nor do you but I do and so can two others I know extremely well. Can we talk in private?" I asked towards the demon at the back of the room who I conversed with not long ago.  

A wave of his hand dismissed the demon. "How do you know you can stop this.. this darkness? And who are those two others you are talking about?"

"I know I can stop her I have done before but not without the help of my brothers. So I need you to tell me where the cage is and how to open it!"

"Are you out of your mind? Letting Lucifer and Micheal out! There is no chance in hell that I'm going to help you!" He shouted almost threatened.

"Fine then! Just tell me where the Winchesters are!" I screamed while trying to stop myself from killing him. I have a short temper.

Clearly seeing how angry I am he backed down."They live in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas. Now go I have a kingdom to run."

I snorted at that remark "Okay your majesty." I mocked as I curtsied and then flew to the Winchester's Bunker.


This is my first fanfic so it probably isn't that good. I just really wanted a fic with another archangel set in season 11 so I ended up writing my own one. Hope you enjoy.

Also, I don't own any of these characters except Ignis. If I did Sabriel would be canon. ;)

31/03/19-Editing the grammar and spelling, nothing much really.



Ignis the fifth archangel (A supernatural Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن