Our Shot(chapter 17)

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Dean's Point of View

Storms conquered the sky as Sam, Crowley and I watched. It was her. It had to be. We walked back inside speechless at the commotion we saw. "Okay. So now we all just saw what happens when she's in a bad mood, which, apparently, she's been in since the dawn of time." Sam spoke up pulling us out of shock.

"I think she just rattled heaven with a flick of her pinkie finger. That's not a big enough dose of reality for you? " I questioned. We had to face her this was one of the time I wish it didn't have to be us. But when we come down to it, it was our fault, we let her out.

"Why are we arguing? We all know that he has to go back in the Cage. " Crowley states. It's stupid that Crowley is more afraid than Lucifer than Amara. He doesn't understand, does he?

"Yes, when it makes sense. Amara's the big picture here now, okay? Look, in order to take her out, Lucifer has got to have the Horn of Joshua. He does her, we do him. Check, please. " I shouted agitated by Crowley. After a lot more shouting we finally came to an arrangement. Well no that's a lie, Crowley was still being a dick.

"The crux of your dispute is your contention that Lucifer, and only Lucifer, can use the Horn to beat Amara, right? " Crowley stated the obvious.

"You got it." 

"Well, that scenario only works if you actually possess said Horn, which you do not."Crowley analysed.

"No, we don't. But you do, so... " Sammy frustratedly said.

"Exactly! I do! This isn't a negotiation. I have the high cards, and you have... Hold on. Give me a second. Let me have a look... no cards! My offer stands. " Crowley yelled.

"Guys. " I heard Sam shout but I continued my argument with Crowley,"Guys. Look at this... " We eventually turned to see what Sam was talking about. On a safe was 'Back from the dead Fergus'. The hag wasn't dead.

In an old church, we were preparing to summon Lucifer, hoping Ignis doesn't follow. Sam and I were painting sigils and all sorts to keep him contained. Although it didn't work on Ignis, we decided since Lucifer is weaker, apparently, it should work. The red-headed which was waiting in the back.

"I hate this. " Sam stated.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"And, by the way, where the hell is Crowley? I mean, we're essentially all set up." Sammy complained

"Yeah, I mean, he's the one that boxed us into doing this. You'd think he'd have the decency to..." I started before being interrupted.

"Show up? He does. Because without the bait, well... a trap really isn't a trap, is it?" Crowley finished. We continued our argument from earlier when Ignis showed up.

"Hey, guys what's going on?" She asked practically beaming. She knew exactly what was going on. The look of pure horror on Crowley's face when he saw her must have made her smile.

"we're going to get Lucifer out of Cass," Sam told her not looking in her direction. She sat in one of the pews in the church and nodded for us to continue. What was she up to? I began reading of the parchment when thunder crashed all around us. Rowena looked terrified, the complete opposite of Ignis who looks... bored. Sam lit the holy fire.

"I'm sorry. Your prayer implied that I'd be... joining the team, but I'm just not feeling the warm and fuzzy here.  Wow. There it is. Powered up by Dad himself. Well, that bad boy plus me plus big sis... That ought to take her out all right. This is where you popped off to Ignis. " Ignis waved from her seat "Let's get to it then. Douse the flames... Or don't?" I sliced my hand and empowering the spellwork, awakening Cass.

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