O Brother Where Art Thou: Part 2 (Part 7)

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"Don't worry Sam, I'll watch the witch you go research." I shooed Sam out of the room.

"Now dearie let's get to work!" After while of Rowena searching through the book and complaining about her illegible handwriting. "Ah-ha!" She exclaimed. "We may need someone ingredients and a handcart."

"Why would we need a handcart?" I questioned.

"We're going to hell!"

Clash! I removed the chains off Rowena and we went to tell Sam. He pulled his phone out and dialled Dean's number. It had been a few minutes and he hadn't picked up.

" Sam, everything is in order. Fergus is coming." Rowena said trying to get Sam to go.

" I promised Dean I'd call," Sam replied

" I promised Lincoln a fun night at the theatre. Things change. It's now or never."

"Okay, I just need to get something Ignis could you help?" asked Sam

"Sure!" I chirped, excited to finally see my brother again. We walked into a spare room in the bunker as soon as I walked flames rose around me.

"Sam get me out of here now!" I screamed if only looks could kill, well from inside holy fire.

"I'm sorry there's too much of a risk to bring you. He is your brother." He gave me a sympathetic look but that didn't change a thing. I was gonna kill him!

Sam's Point of View

We were walking down a tall stone corridor with flaming torched that lined the walls. Overhead it sounded as if there was a monstrous thunderstorm.

" Flop sweat sonny? Dread of what's to come?" Rowena laughed at Crowley

" Can it. Your barbs may amuse your circle of hags. You have no idea what you're tampering with; what Lucifer is capable of." Crowley spats

" Well dear, if you can't stand the heat, get out of Hell." Rowena joked. I was terrified, no clue of what was going to happen. I wish Dean picked up. " I must say it's not as scenic as I'd expected."

" We are in the furthest reaches of Hell, Limbo, where I send unruly souls for a timeout."

" This is where I'm here with Lucifer?" I questioned feeling nauseous.

" What it lacks in ambience it makes up for in security." We had reached an empty cage. Now you can see the raging storm. While Rowena painted sigils on the cage, I worried that she might not know what she's doing.

" Makes your flesh crawl, doesn't it Moose? I get it. I'm the King of this place. It's still not my cup of tea." Crowley said as he approached me.

" I don't know, Crowley. I'd say it suits you. Dark. Empty." I joked.

He responded with "Fascinating; the utter contempt, when I'm in the midst of saving the Winchester's bacon, again. "

"The point of this is to save everyone's bacon, including yours. Let's just hope she knows what she's doing. This cell won't hold crap if the warding is not right."

" Don't you worry about me, Samuel. I'm a professional."

" Are you certain you can do this without actually opening the Cage?" Crowley also seemed unsure of his Mother's abilities, the thought didn't make me feel better.

"We are about to find out, aren't we," Rowena claimed then began chanting, what sounded to me as gibberish. I was now trying not to throw up as the room seemed off. First, the sigils on the cage lit up followed by fire surrounding the cage. " Now, let's have a go at that Cage."

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