The gang of Misfits (chapter 22)

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Dean's Point of View

Leaving Lucifer, Chuck and Ignis to themselves Sammy and I went to get pie and other necessities from the shop. Did we want to leave them alone? no. However, in case any primordial daddy issues occurred we didn't want to be round. Judging by the fact it's been an hour that-hopefully- should have been enough time to settle or at least mute their disputes. Sam climbing into the passenger side woke me from my thoughts. Turning on the engine, we left.

The first word we hear entering the bunker is a screw you from Lucifer, so I guess that answers our question. " Guys?" I asked trepidatiously only to be ignored. Sam and I continued our shopping bag riddled journey down the stairs.

"Lucifer saying screw you isn't going to help anything. Why don't you actually try having a civilised conversation." Ig tried to reason but he wasn't listening.

"Hey, how's it going' in here?" Sam asked with a bit more confidence. But alas were still being ignored.

" Listen, I know I've been gone for a while, I've missed a few... million... birthdays" Chuck tried to explain. A quiet 'billion' was masked in a cough from ig.

Lucifer retorts angrily, "Yeah, and the second your apes send a distress flare, boom. Daddy's home." Okay, first, we've sent a few, thanks, and second, we had to convince him out of killing himself.

" Hey, these apes saved your ass." I piped in getting a glare from everyone. Lucifer snarled and snapped his fingers... nothing happened.

"Hey Dean, next time keep your comments to yourself. Thanks." Ignis sassed and warned me.

"He can't hurt you," Chuck explained.

"Oh, so you're controlling me now!" Lucifer shouted.

"Luci, we need the Winchesters and you know it." Ignis tries to reason again however failing.

"Hey, guys? Uh, Chuck? Ignis, Lucifer... uh, Dean... Think we can try and focus here? Y'know, end of the world, common enemy, all that?" Sam broadcast.

" Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Team Amara. Go Amara!" Lucifer jeered.

Ig sighed "Shut up Luci, we all know you don't mean it,"

"You're really not gonna say it," Lucifer said facing Chuck.

"He's not gonna say what?" Sam asked.

"Screw you. Screw all of you." Lucifer stormed out.

Ignis' Point of View

Watching Lucifer storm out like that left me speechless. I should really go talk to him, he always used to listen to me. After waiting an hour and a half I decided now would be the right time to talk to him. Approaching Sam's room, I called out for him "Luce,". No response. "Lucie" Again no response. Fine. "Lucifer if you don't answer me now you will be in big trouble, got it!" I shouted. Finally replying he opened the door and mumbled a 'come in'. Luci's eyes were red and puffy showing he's been crying. I sat him down on Sam's bed and gave him a comforting hug. We sat like that for two hours.

Sam silently motioned for me to get up and talk to him, so I promised Luci I'd be back and followed Sam out the door. "I finally got Chuck to have a talk with Lucifer, like a therapy sort of thing. I was hoping you would bring Lucifer and watch to make sure nothing happened." Sam explained. It was a good idea, yet it had dreadful possible outcomes. Oh well, it's worth a try.

Now we are all gathered in the telescope room. Lucifer and Dad took two opposite chairs as I sat on the steps. The atmosphere was tense in fear of the countless possibilities of what could come of this pow wow. Their talk began hesitantly but we eventually got to the root of the problem and then I heard the four words I've been waiting for 'I am so sorry'. Finally, Lucifer heard the words he has wanted to her for billions of years after being betrayed and punished- I am so sorry.

We're all sat in the Library discussing numbers. "So, what do we bring to the table to make up for archangel power? " Dad asked.

"We could try and find more Hands of God." Sam suggested.

"A little redundant," Dad said showing jazz hands.

"Yeah, right." Sam accepted.

" What about Crowley? Big demon power, former king of Hell. He was a player in his day." Dean shoots his idea out.

"Yeah, his self-protectiveness might get him on our team," I added. A few hums agreement meant we're getting Crowley's help in this.

"We have the angels." Luci put forward leaning back in his chair casually.

"Rowena. I mean, she's a snake, but she's a powerful witch. And she's got the Book of the Damned." Sam proposed.

"This is crazy. Can we really get all these people to work together?" I asked feeling doubtful.

"Couldn't you just compel them? " Dean asked Chuck. He could I guess but it probably goes against his free will.

" I invented free will for a reason," Dad answered. Just as I said.

"So, we're tying our hands on principle? " Dean explained sighing.

"No, you can't make an effective soldier by force. They have to choose this fight." Chuck analysed.

"But they're gonna want to know they're backing a winner," I said.

The last day has been interesting. I went with Dean to get Crowley while Sam went to Rowena and Luci went upstairs. Finally, after a bit of ass kissing from Dean and threating from my behalf, Crowley is a part of Team God. Dean and I were in the car driving back to the bunker. I wonder if Sam and Luce's plans went as well as ours. I hope so. I'd rather win easily with a team of misfits then win marginally with few or lose. I know fighting Amara won't be easy It wasn't the first time and we had Mikey, Raph and Gabe then. Our team consists of the forgotten archangel, Satan, two of the Winchester brothers, God, pagan witches, the ex-king of hell and angels. It's an odd group but a powerful one. More time-bomb powerful though.

The plan is to let the witches go first, then the demons once they dent her health Luci and I will give it all we got so Dad can finish her off. Like the original playbook however we've got witches and demons subbing for archangels. It's simple. Whether it'll work or not we'll find out...


Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to leave it here on a sort of cliff hanger. I promise it'll update soon. Feedback is welcome. I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters except Ignis. If I did Colonel Sanders wouldn't exist.

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