The end (chapter 23)

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Endings are meant to be lyrical. To have the character get their poetic justice. To tie up loose ends and be the final number. Good triumphs over bad. The guy gets the girl. This is my ending...

Ignis' Point of view

Why must it always be an abandoned warehouse? Why not by the beach or a lovely field? Oh well, everyone's here anyway. Finally, Rowena has arrived. The tension in the air tastes bitter. "I don't hold grudges. Besides, that dog collar was a lovely touch, really made my eyes pop. Almost wore it here today." Crowley announced to Luci. I rolled my eyes, I knew this was coming.

"Oh, I'm glad you're such a good sport," Lucifer returned, at least I'm not going to 'apologize' to anyone "Hey, Red. Looking gorgeous as ever. Hey, I think a little apology is in order."

"You think you're the first man to try and kill me?" Rowena questioned her Scottish accent prominent as ever. Crowley and I both scoffed at this. She's not wrong though. "Hello, Fergus."

"Mother." Crowley spat like venom obviously not affect Rowena. Suddenly a blinding flash of light alerted us to Dad's entrance. Easy to see where our families flair for the dramatics come from.

"Hello, my children," Dad announced bringing what small amount of attention was elsewhere back to him. " Rowena. Crowley. It's good to finally meet you in person." 

"Sorry about, well, everything I've ever done in my life. Really, y-you can't have been a fan." Rowenna spluttered, kissing ass as always. 

"Oh, yeah, I've been quietly rooting against you both for some time now. Although, I can't deny you're one of my guilty pleasures." Dad answered. Great...

Rowena and Crowley both responded "Oh, God." both in very different tones, naturally.

"All right, no flirting. And no fighting." Dean warned setting the ground rules. 

Sam continued with "Yeah, and no deals. No talks about who is owed what if we survive this."A good point considering how most people here are selfish, dishonest backstabbers... to put it nicely. 

The looks of disgust swapped between our team caused me to speak up, "I know everyone here hates each other and don't get me wrong I don't want you to give each other secret Santas after a tea party. Our hate towards Amara is more than the hate towards each other so let's just get it over with."

Waiting a minute for pure silence Dad begins his speech, " Amara's looking for me. But I'm warded against her, for now. As soon as  I drop the warding, she'll show. She'll be expecting a fight, and we'll give it to her. Shock and awe.  Do you have your troops in position?" Dad's eyesight is fixed on Rowena turning to face her I notice she's got her hand raised. Here we go. "Yes, Rowena."

"Fabulous plan, God, but doesn't this strategy strike anyone as a wee bit un-strategic? Shouldn't we at least try to catch her off guard?" the fire-haired witch suggested.

"And how are we meant to do that?" I questioned. "It's only because of the warding she can't come in. Amara knows we're here."

"Is that sequence set in stone? Demon, angel, witch power? Seems to me that the first response should come from the most disposable force." Crowley challenged. Why can't they just accept the plan as it is? It's simple enough for them to understand.

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