Research will be the death of me(Chapter 10)

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"Anyway, I should go before Sam and Dean make everything our problem way worse. See ya soon," I chirped returning to the bunker after spending hours catching up with my brother. It was great we spoke about when we were little which was the only part I could contribute to. I found out a lot more about everything I've missed in detail, at least now I understand what happened.

"Well, good. Cause I think I found us a case." Dean said and began reading the newspaper aloud. A sixty-five-year-old man was found with his head bashed in at Oak Park old folks home. The interesting thing (well not for me) was that all the doors were locked. Sam wasn't keen on going since he was worried about the darkness and Cass (Yeah you would be worried about Cass if you knew what was going on). Eventually, they agreed on going.

"Oh hey, Ig found anything?" I can't believe it took them that long to find out that I was there. I shook my head in response and picked up a book off the shelf and began reading. "Also, we uh... forgot to thank you for the glitter coated bunker and the incredible paint job for baby." I smiled innocently. They shouldn't have trapped me, and I will continue pissing them off through harmless pranks, I should get Luci to help next time.

"I never would have known what an incredible spray paint artist I was without you guys." I mocked. Queue double bitch face. They stood around for a while before finally leaving to go check out the old folks' home. After an hour of sinking in a pile of books I got a text from Sam:

Hey Ig. We're not sure what it is yet, but some old lady keeps hitting on Dean. Call help I'm dying.

Of course, it's always the old women. I laughed to myself. I replied:

Hope you find the monster soon. Tell Dean to pucker up then shove him towards her. ;)

5% damn it! I always forget to charge my phone. Oh well, I've only been on this planet for a few months so what do you expect. I continued reading my previous book, but it wasn't much help it only went back to Roman times. Not long later my phone went off.

"Hello," I answered.

A feminine voice on the other side asked: "For a chance of winning a million pound who's your favourite brother?" Immediately I knew it was Lucifer wasn't the first stunt like this he pulled, he and Gabe were incredibly close, so you can guess. I replied.

"Raphael he was a lot easier to be around." A voice behind me laughed. I sighed as I realised my phone died.

"Good to see you too also I can't believe Raph is your favourite." He trailed on. After a minute or so I interrupted his blabbering by a flying book. "Rude,"

"So, have you found anything or have you spent your time scheming, trying to find out who my favourite sibling was."

"You fail to see my professionalism. Of course, I have been trying to find ways to stop aunty. Actually, that's why I'm here." He told me about these things called "Hands of God". I was searching storage for more information when I heard the rumble of the Impala, the opening of the bunker door and Dean greeting Cass. I silently approached hiding in the room next door eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hey! ... Cas? What the hell are you doing, man?" He shouted startled.

" Hello, Dean" Cass responded calmly

" Right, yeah... We don't hear from you for days, you show up, you start wrecking the joint." Buzzz... Buzzz... Buzzz. Crap! My phone is in there. Just leave it. "Is that Ignis' phone?"

" I'm sorry. And yes, she just left to check out an old library in Ecuador, it was mentioned in a men of letter document." Got to remember that. Library in Spain... Okay. The conversation continued for a bit longer and they spoke about their failed attempts at killing Amara. 'Cass' said that Dean couldn't kill her because of the mark. No, I thought it was their shared love of pie. I smirked. I must have picked up sarcasm from humans. I heard Dean call it attraction; I nearly freaked. Seriously you have a crush on my aunty, hold on let me rephrases that your boyfriend's aunty. Seriously. It was now Deans turn for the phone call. Turns out they found another men of letters legacy called "Eileen".

"Uhhhhhh these books are killing me," Lucifer whined, I rolled my eyes but agreed.

I had an idea "Want to help me in my passive-aggressive journey for revenge against the boys?"

"What was that about the other day?"

"They had a feeling that I would betray them, they weren't wrong and trapped me in holy fire in a room full of sigils to keep me out of 'their' business. Obviously, it didn't last too long. It really pissed me off, but I decided that less violent irritating things would get under their skin so... a pink glitter filled Impala." A smirk crawled onto his face.

A few hours later, the bunker entrance was toilet papered, the books were now in braille, Sam and Deans beds were filled with frogs and my favourite the clown statue hiding behind Sam's room door. I had gotten another text from Sam:

So, the old lady had her hand on Deans knee and he asked her to move it and she offered to move it up! The look on his face was priceless. We'll be back soon.

"They'll be here soon so what you want to do?" I asked wondering if he wanted to leave or keep up the act.

"I guess putting up a banner saying: Dean I'm possessing your boyfriend and what bunk Sam? Is out of the question" My turn for a bitch face moment. "In that case, I'll see ya soon sis." I waved him off and prepared my shit-eating grin. Soon enough the door opened.


In this chapter, I tried to show Ignis' and Lucifer's relationship. I probably suck at writing him. I decided I'll try to write longer chapters after this. Thank you for all the people who read this!!! I don't own Supernatural or any of its character except Ignis. If I did all the archangels, Balthasar, Anna, Samandriel would be alive and have an awkward family get together meal or something. Who else wants to see that!



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