Femme Fatal (chapter 11)

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Coffee. The boys were obsessed with it. So, they were always delighted to be greeted by it in the mornings; today was no different. I had just finished making two mugs of coffee for them as I heard Sam trudge his way in sleepily. A thankful grunt as I handed him the beverage. Following his younger brother Dean also trudged in taking the coffee.

Now we were sat in the library Sam on his laptop Dean hitting the books. I was just sat in one of the armchairs, my mind elsewhere. Thinking of plans and ways to defeat Amara... again. Last time there were five archangels and Dad now 2 archangels, 2 humans, a demon and his witch mum. It was going to be a close call if we did win. If. That one word. That one word determined victory or loss, life or death. If. A phone call woke me from my thoughts. It was coming from Dean's phone.

"Hey Claire, you alright?" I could hear some muffled talking. I could hear it but with lack of decent reception in here I couldn't make out what she was saying. "Sure, we'll be right over," He hung up and put his phone in his pocket, "it's Claire apparently there are some monsters and she needs our help." They split up to pack their stuff while I contemplated going. Getting out of here would be nice and a simple hunt would be fun to watch. Why not. The journey was quiet for the most part except the classic rock in the background accompanying our journey. We arrive, and a woman hugs the boys inviting them inside; I follow.

"Oh, and Jody meet Ignis, Ignis meet Jody Mills." Jody stretched out her hand and waiting expectantly; I shook her hand. Jody had invited us to stay for dinner as a girl walked in she had blonde hair with a braid on one side. She had eyeliner and an attitude that was easy to spot. Now we were sat at the table eating there was another girl who had joined us she had long black hair, clearly, she and the blonde had tension.

"Hey, Ignis was it, don't be shy there's enough for everyone. "Jody encouraged me.

I awkwardly responded with "It looks delicious, but angels don't need to eat but thank you anyway." The room was silent as the three women stared at me. After what seemed like forever the blonde girl spoke, I really needed to learn their names.

"So, you're an angel, that's cool. I guess."

"I'm an archangel, the oldest actually... So how did you meet dumb and dumber then?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I was kidnapped by vampires as a child was forced to lure people then I escaped; Sam & Dean found me and helped me. Now I live with Jody and unfortunately Claire." The dark-haired girl answered.

Now it was Claire's turn. " My dad was possessed by Castiel and ran off, a few years later he returned not possessed then a few demons and angels later, dad was dead, and his body is possessed by Cass. Then I became a hunter and was introduced to Jody and that whore called Alex."

"What are you on about now Claire? " Alex retorted, for a split second she seemed worried not for long but enough for me to notice.

" When you are sneaking off to Jody's cabin to screw yourself silly?" Claire replied smirking, she knew she was onto something by Alex's concerned face.

" Ohhh. Here we go." Dean said looking at Sam and I, a look to suggest that we might want to leave. Clearly, they were uncomfortable. A pale Alex tried to defend herself but failed to do so. Sam stood up but was prevented by Jody hoping for back up on the matter however we wanted to just go, it was a family matter. Jody then informs Alex that she saw birth control pills in her bag, poor Alex was mortified. The boys are now itching to run especially with the new information that had just been bought up. I felt sorry for Jody, after a quick look through her head I found out about her son and husband and what happened thanks to the apocalypse. I felt a tinge of guilt inside of me, it was because of my family after all. I sighed, thankfully not being heard over the family discussion in front of me.

Ignis the fifth archangel (A supernatural Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang