The New Prophet (Chapter 20)

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Sam's Point of View

Interrupting the conversation a new news story appeared on my desktop. Another town- all of them died. "Shit!" I muttered under my breath. I skim read the story until something caught my eye all except one."Hey, guys, this just came up. Looks like that fog, the, um... Amara fog, uh, hit another town" 

"And?" Dean nudged me to continue. Hoping to get important info since we have zero ideas or strategies to rescue Lucifer and Ignis' grace.

"And this one wasn't as lucky as the last one. Thousands died. Uh, everybody died. But, uh, except for one man. " I explained. Chuck didn't look bothered I guess he already knew but Dean just looked scornful.

"How'd you miss that one?" He snapped to Chuck who answered as if stating the obvious.

"She's baiting me. I can't respond every time. I won't be manipulated. " Sure Chuck had a good reason but it's not good enough for letting thousands of people die. He must be good at tunning it out. I sighed. Yet this argument is not the right thing to spend time on.

"Yeah, but thousands of people are dead. " Dean reasoned clearly not getting anywhere. I gotta say I'm with Dean with this one.

"Unfortunately. So find her. " He plainly retorted.

Ignis' Point of View

Wondering around in this town that had its population cut down to nothing in seconds made me feel a ton of guilt. Sure it may not directly be my fault but if I had my grace these people would be swarming the streets around me. Then cautiously I approached a house. Coughing echoed from inside which piqued my interest. A survivor. 

Swinging in front of me the door opened revealing a man called.... right no angel mojo. Ugh, I hate Amara. "Hi, my name is Ignis." I began not sure what to say.

"Um... I'm Donatello, why are you here, am I under arrest?" He asked nervously looking past me for anyone else.

"No... no of course not. I uh... I just need to find out what happened for my article." I stammered. I have no clue if this guy was human or not so he could be a potential threat and without my grace, I can't determine or defend myself. He looked sceptical but let me inside, apparently I have a safe aura, or at least according to Sam. He nodded at a chair for me to sit on as he took a seat in front of me. "Start at the beginning." I requested.

"It... It all happened so fast. I, uh... It was like it came out of nowhere. We hardly ever get fog, and never like that. It was horrible. They were clutching their throats like... like... like they were choking. And, oh. Their bodies  oh, my God  these terrible black streaks..." He began but was interrupted by an abrupt knocking on the door. He excused himself to the door in which two brothers stood behind.

"Hello guys," I greeted informing Donatello that I knew them. The Winchesters put away their fake badges and sat beside me. I explained that  Sam and Dean where 'colleges' of mine. After filling them in on what happened he finished his story "And that's when it happened. It was like nothing I've ever felt before in my life. It was like my head was exploding, only not with pain with... with... with knowledge... and clarity! Things that I'd never known before. Symbols and voices in languages I don't speak! Then... horrible... horrible visions... of destruction... and death. You think I'm crazy. " 

"Let me explain what going on and what you are..." I started before going on to educate him on who I am as well as everything that is going on. "... you're a prophet." 

"Whoa, whoa... we need to make sure he's a prophet, I mean how can we be sure," Dean advised. He had a point but come on I'm way older than time itself, I'm pretty sure. Sam grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled some Enochian on it. I never knew he could read and write Enochian. Catching a full glimpse of the note I noticed it said 'Behold the face of God'. 

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