Sam and Serial Killers (Part 4)

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"When the darkness was first released some people were contaminated with something and long story short I got it and nearly died. After asking for a sign I got a vision of when I was in the cage with Lucifer. Yesterday I had another vision with my dad in. Dean thinks that it's nothing but I'm not sure, so I thought you might know." Sam's words swirled in my head like the ice in my coke, I was too anxious for alcohol. Unmoving, I lay on my bed all night. I didn't know what to do.

Where were the visions coming from? Dad? probably not. Lucifer? Could be maybe the darkness broke part of the cage allowing him to use part of his powers. Either way, I needed to open the cage and it seems no one wants to help. Creeping, I entered the Library luckily it was empty, so I flicked through books that could be old enough.

It was now 6 (ish) and Sam and Dean were searching for the darkness. I had read a few books and all it had were 66 seals, but I knew that and it could no longer be done with Lilith dead, so my luck sucked. If I asked Sam or Dean about it, they probably would call me crazy. Sam wouldn't though. I could look inside his head see his visions. I would probably be able to tell who they were from; if necessary lie. That way the brothers would be more likely to help me. No. I can't do that I need them to trust me or else they won't let me help them. I sighed. Got up and left the room.

Sam was on his laptop telling Dean about a case Fall River, Massachusetts where a young couple was murdered in a B&B that used to be home to a serial killer called Lizzie Borden.

"Wait a minute I know what this is, this has something to do with your freaky fetish for serial killers"

"It's... It's not a fetish."

"You've always wanted to see that house."

"Two people are dead in Lizzie Borden's home. We got no leads on Amara I say we check this out."

I walked further into the room. "Sam you shouldn't be ashamed of your fetishes everyone has them."

"What's yours then?"

"Yeah.... you don't want to know."

"Anyway, do you wanna come?"

"Yeah, I need to get out."

Sam turned to Dean, "What about Cass?"

"Oh, he's neck deep in The Wire he's already on season 2. Ig told him about it."

"Did you just call me Ig? What is that my nickname then?"

"Ignis is too long. So, let's go."

We filed out of the bunker and into "baby" as soon as we sat down The Runaways blasted from the speakers. Dean turned to stare at me.


"Driver picks the music shotgun or anyone else for the matter shuts their cakehole."

I turned it up louder, "Sorry what was that I can't hear you over my awesome music." Dean grunted, and we drove to Fall River listening to my music, of course.

We got there we asked about the murders and he refused to answer. So, we booked Lizzie's room and now that we were paying customers we wanted information but all we got was that the boy was a direct descendant of the original Bordens.

Their room was covered in doilies and floral and was extremely pink. The best part was the double bed. Sam insisted on staying here so Dean went to get another room. I sniggered.

"Aww, Sam wants to stay in his girlfriend's room." Sam attacked me with a pink pillow it hit my face.

"Go share your room with Dean, you practically swoon over him." He smirked.

"Ew, no Dean makes sex eyes at Cass constantly!" I shouted. Dean walked in on Sam and I giggling like school children. While scanning the room with his EMF meter it starts buzzing but fades when he approaches the closet. The boys split up while I text Cass asking who it's going. No response. I can't blame him he must be into it.

When they return they tell me about the EMF generator in the attic and timers on the lights. Sam and Dean argued because Sam still thought whatever it is wasn't human. I didn't get involved. They decided to leave. While they slept, I continued my internal argument about the cage both sides with good points. I needed someone to talk to about this. I went for a walk.

The boys were playing Feds since the owner's mother was killed so I called Cass and told him about my thought-on Lucifer, the cage and Sam's visions. He agreed with me; I was shocked but thanked him. While listening to music, saying that they had a suspect and another axe murder. I replied asking if he needed help, but he was fine, so I continued singing along.

Sam, Dean and I had a group call according to Dean this Lizzie superfan saw Amara Mark of Cain and all and had taken a guy's soul. I immediately flew Sam and Dean to the motel room. Sam told us about the Widow who didn't seem to care about her husband's death. We worked out that it couldn't be Len since he was home. They continued discussing the matter long after I stopped listening.

We found out that the widow was at her "Special friend's" house so that was our next stop. Over-turned, Sam and Dean entered first with their guns out while I handcuffed soulless dude to the car.

"Hey... Hey, what are you doing?"

"Shut up if you want to live." I threatened while entering the "Special friend's" house. The address was kindly given to Sam and Dean from the babysitter. Sam searches the main floor while Dean takes the basement while I guard the door (I didn't want to do too much because they get grouchy without something to kill) watching soulless and see if anyone shows up. Sam found the Son in a closet.

"Ig could you look after Jordy for me?"

"So, you're using the nickname too. Hiya squirt! Come, sit here." I said pointing to the step beside me. Jordy shuffled towards me and sat down bawling his eyes out. We talked for a bit, he told me about his parents and school; I was comforting him. Memories of me looking after my brothers threatened my tear ducts but I stayed strong. The kid needed it but Dad, how much did I miss them.

A while later I heard a shotgun.

"Get in the car. Now!" I shouted while getting up to kick someone's ass. I teleported to the basement as the soulless babysitter tried to take another shot at Sam, but I stabbed her with Cass's Angel blade that I borrowed for a bit.

Bleeding she murmured "The Darkness is coming, it's so peaceful. It's coming for all of us." then Dean shot her between the eyes. Sam sorted out the kid and Dean took the cuffs off the soulless guy who I found out was called Len.

"I'll turn myself in as the axe murderer I don't want to hurt anyone. There's something growing inside of me and it's dark."

"That's really good of you Len," Sam said joining the conversation.

"Come on let's go I want to talk to Cass about The Wire," I whined then we got in the car and drove. A few minutes later I could tell she was near, very near but I just wanted to get away. We weren't strong enough, at least not now.


When writing and editing this chapter I listened to a lot of The Runaways so I felt like I had to at least mention them. The video at the start was one of the songs I listened to. I don't own any of the music or characters in this story except Ignis. This episode is based on Thin Lizzy, obviously, though it has some changes. It's a bit longer than usual. Also, this is my first fanfic so it probably isn't that good but here you go.



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