Don't call me Shurley(Chapter 18)

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Dean's Point of View

Sam and I are in Hope Springs, Ohio there is a case about people seeing black fog near them and then going on to kill someone then possibly themselves. Our guess is that it's Amara. It had to be. We approached Mac who was trying to find Jan on the computer who had killed her partner then took off.

"I can't make heads or tails. Harris is... was our computer person." Mac said sorrowfully. Sam went to help the guy. Another Office approaches us.

"Sheriff? Matt and Emmy just called in. They said they saw some fog rolling in by Jasper Hills" He reported.

I immediately asked, "Did they say where it was headed? " The officer nodded in response.

"West. Towards town. " With this Sam and I immediately knew what needed to happen.

"Okay, call them back, tell them to get inside, shut their windows and doors and seal it up, and stay the hell away from that fog. Then get the word out to everybody in town. They need to do the same damn thing. " I demanded. We couldn't let anyone else get infected. We wouldn't.

"Hold on. What are you talking about?" Mac questioned panic in his voice.

"My partner and I have seen this before, okay? Wes, Deputy Harris were infected by something in this fog. Now, I know it sounds crazy " I explained not giving too much information.

"No, it sounds like we should call the CDC." He advised.

"There's no time for that. " I insisted.

"Found Deputy Harris," Sam informed pointing at the screen, she was on Main street.

"She's on Main Street, heading right this way," Mac told us. Sam and left but not before reminding Mac to get everyone inside, doors and windows. Sam went to get the people inside since he was better at dealing with people, while I approached the deputy gun in hand. Black veins crawled up her body just like when the first people infected. She had her gun in hand like me.

"I tried to kill myself. But she won't let me. She has a message for you, Dean Winchester. " she spoke with no emotion as if she was a robot. As if she was dead inside.

"Amara? Is she here? "questioned hoping she wasn't.

"No. But her words have been echoing in my head ever since I took a breath of that fog. " Jan answered dryly.

"Did she tell you to kill your husband? " I continued questioning.

"And I watched myself do it. " She responded.

"Okay, listen to me, this is an infection. Put the gun down, let us help you" Sam tried to comfort.

"It's not an infection. She says it's a mirror. She's showing us all the truth." She informed us.

"Darkness," I said.

"The light was just a lie." She said while raising her gun to point it at me. Before she can shoot two bullet holes appear on her chest and she collapses against her car. Behind stands Mac with his gun pointing at where she once stood. "It will all be over soon. He's not gonna save them. It's all going away... forever. But not you, Dean. " She whispered before entering the veil.

" Dean. Dean!" Sam shouts pointing down the road, turning I stare in horror. Fog barrels towards us. Sam and I ran getting people inside the police station before it's too late. Now we're inside the police station, the fog has consumed the street. The radio is down, and we've duct tapped any entrances that the fog could get into. Hopefully, it was enough.

"Dean? " Sam called. I walked over to the window where Sam was stood there was loud noises coming from outside, "You hear that? " We looked outside and saw two people who got infected trying to get in. Sam locked the door and we checked on the others and shut the door. Behind us, glass shattered. They managed to break the door. We looked up and saw through one of the once sealed vents, the fog was entering the room. Shit! Sam runs to close the vent while I break off a table leg to stop the door from opening. Coughing caused me to turn around to see Sam coughing, black veins appearing on his hands.

"Sam!" I shouted. Mac leads everyone into another room while I went to Sam ignoring his and Mac's protests. "No! I'm not leaving my brother." I narrowly miss being hit by a brick that broke the window causing more fog the cover the room. Trying to block the window Sam can't overpower the fog and falls. Forgetting the whole in the window I run to comfort my brother. Fog surrounds us, including those in the other room. Coughing is heard from every direction. Why aren't I coughing? I take a deep breath and exhale. It doesn't affect me. No. I can't leave Sammy. I can't. 

"STOP THIS! YOU HEAR ME, YOU DICK?!" I screamed. In a split second, the coughing stops as well as the banging. No.No! "No. No. No. No. No. No. No!  Hey, hey look at me. Look at me. I'm right here. I'm right here. Okay, it's okay. It's all right. I'm right here. I'm right here." I comforted Sam as well as myself. A glow emitting from Sam's pocket caught my attention; Sam must have noticed and rummaged through his pocket. How... how it's... it's the amulet that Sam gave me. That could only mean... Him. I looked up at Sam checking if he still had the black veins. He was fine. So were the others. We exchanged glances.

Pushing the doors open we saw the main street smoke free. People were helping each other up; making sure that they're okay.  We continue wandering down the road until we see someone familiar helping people up. Is that... Chuck? He turned around as the little girl ran to her mum and hugged her. The amulet shone even more. Does that mean? It has to be. Chuck is God?

"We should probably talk. " He simply responded.


Sorry, it's soooo short. I've been extremely busy and I also got puppies that enjoy pooping inside. I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters except Ignis. If I did I wouldn't have to write this in every chapter. Next chapter should be up soon (hopefully).



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