1- Don't

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I couldn't believe it. Mabel and me were going back to gravity falls for the summer! It had been 5 years! Mom and dad said they didn't want us to go back with the whole 'uncle thought to be dead coming back' thing. We had barley gotten on the bus when Mabel squealed causing the driver to flinch and swerve nearly going off the road.

"What Mabel?" I asked annoyed.

"Dip someone's in our seat" she said pouting and pointing at a girl leaned back across our very back seat sleeping. 

"W-well I guess we have to sit somewhere else" I stuttered shocked. No one else really took this bus.

"NO! I'll just go talk to her and I'm sure she'll understand." She said confidently walking over. This was sure to turn out great. She was reaching out to touch her shoulder when she jumped back frightened.

"what is it?" I asked annoyed

"Well didn't you hear her?" Mabel asked looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"no" I answered bored. Mabel sighed.

"when I was about to tap her shoulder she said 'don't' without even opening her eyes" she said waiting for some kind of reaction out of me.


"your hopeless" she said plopping down in a seat. Like she could talk I thought. "in fact your so hopeless I bet you won't get anywhere with Wendy this summer either." She said pointing at me.

"what! I SOO will!" I said starting to raise my voice. Now that i was 17 my chances with Wendy should definitely improve! Right?

(Yes I added this in later, they were originally 13 in the story but I had to change it

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(Yes I added this in later, they were originally 13 in the story but I had to change it. Also look how cute dipper is! Also dipper does not have the tattoos yet.)

"ha ha you have a better chance with waddles!" she said squeezing the pig.


"Dipper and waddles sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" she sang dancing around.

"Mabel shut it!" I said glancing back and the girl.

"As if! Why should we be nice when she was so rude!" she said pointing at the mentioned girl.

"Because were better people! And she might be going to gravity falls so why make an enemy!"

"ugh" she said flopping down on the seat across from me.

"Hey cheer up at least this summer we won't be dealing with a demon." I said lowering my voice.

"yeah, thank goodness" she said smiling again "I thought we would never be able to escape that prison and come back to gravity falls"

"yeah high school sucks" I agreed thinking back to the horrid year before. I couldn't imagine if I had accepted ford's offer and left her alone there. She wouldn't have survived.

"Excuse me but do you know what the next stop is I appear to have slept longer than I anticipated." It was the girl. She was standing over our seats smiling politely.

"And why should we help you!" mabel said crossing her arms.

"mabel!" I hissed

"I'm afraid I don't understand" she said still smiling.

"well don't ask us!" Mabel spat.

"oh, did you get within a foot of me?" she asked her face falling and reaching within her pocket. "if so I'm terribly sorry" she said pulling a device out of her pocket. "I invented it a week after starting... high school yeah, and used it to keep away the bullies when I slept on the school bus." She said sheepishly.

"oh my glob I'm so sorry" Mabel said standing up and grabbing the girl's hand shaking it at the speed of light. "I'mMabelandthat'sDipperandmypigsnameisWaddles!" The girl looked incredibly confused at first. I didn't blame her.

"sorry about my sister" I said standing up "she's a bit ex-" Her eyes. They had shifted from silver to green as I looked into them. "c-cited" I finished shaking her hand.

"well that's not a problem. I'm Amaris" she said smiling.

Girl on the bus

I listened to the two chat for awhile wondering what was so important that they had to "wake" me to get my seat. I was about to try to dose off when I caught a single word that sparked my attention.


That stopped my thoughts all together for a second. Little did I know that was the beginning of a whole other chapter of my life. When I came back to reality they were complaining about high school. I quickly got up and walked over to them asking some bullshit question to start up the conversation so I could find out a bit more.

"Excuse me but do you know what the next stop is I appear to have slept longer than I anticipated."

"And why should we help you!" did she know? Were they talking about me! No impossible!

"I'm afraid I don't understand" I said as always already coming up with a plan.

"well don't ask us!" the girl spat emphasizing the don't I had told her earlier.

"oh, did you get within a foot of me?" I asked putting on a fake melancholy face and reached within my pocket pulling together atoms creating a gadget. "if so I'm terribly sorry" I said pulling the device out of my pocket. "I invented it a week after starting..." I thought for a second... they were talking about high school right? "high school yeah, and used it to keep away the bullies when I slept on the school bus." I said grinning to myself at cleverness.

"oh my glob I'm so sorry" Mabel said standing up and grabbing my hand shaking it. Right where I want you "I'mMabelandthat'sDipperandthisismypigwaddles" I didn't understand her at all I actually had to use my powers to understand her.

"sorry about my sister" the boy said standing up "she's a bit ex-" He paused. He saw my eyes shift I'm sure "c-cited" he finished shaking my hand.

"well that's not a problem. I'm Amaris" I said smirking. He sparked my interest.

"t-the next stop is gravity falls" he stuttered. Was he scared or horny I wasn't sure. hopefully horny, i didn't need him scared before he even knew what I was. 

"oh, good that's my stop" I said still smirking.

"Really? us too!" The girl yelled happily. Her giddiness was the worst. Yet now I was hooked, everyone in that town had a story. There story might be interesting.  Then again they were just a couple a kids they probably weren't worth my time. I had shit to do.

"Oh, that's... good" I said still thinking.

AN: Edited- 4/30/2020, Published- idk tbh at least a year ago, maybe two. 1143 words. I had to come back and edit some of this in order to make Mabel and Dipper older. Many plans in store!

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