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She looked so peaceful, so... human. But she's not! I had to keep reminding myself of that as I sat watching her rest on Ford's bed. I had no idea what was taking him so long, but it was giving me anxiety. She had so easily tricked us; we didn't suspect a thing. More importantly I didn't suspect a thing. Had I lost my touch? No! I flinched being brought out of my thoughts by Amaris's body shifting, I held My breath waiting to see if she would move more but she didn't. She was still asleep, thank god.

After another few minutes Ford walked in with Mabel and Stan trailing behind him. I stood up glancing at the unconscious demon next to me.

"Where's Bill?" I asked my heart pounding.

"I've locked him in my lab, he shouldn't be able to escape now that he's trapped in a mortal form." I sighed relaxing a bit, at least he was taken care of for the time being.

"Why don't you trap her in there too, then?" I cocked my head in her direction.

"First of all, I think that would cause more problems than it would solve, considering that her goal is to torture and destroy him. Second, I'm not sure it would work for her." I noticed looks of disbelief on my sister's face, I no doubt had an identical look on mine.

"W-why not?" Mabel asked on the verge of panic. I walked over pulling her into a hug, feeling her calm down the slightest bit.

"Well, when I met her, she was in this form you see now, so she may not be bound to the mortal realm as Bill is." He crossed his arms using one hand to rub his chin as he stared down at Amaris. I glanced over at her as well, really observing her for the first time since she'd revealed her true self. Her brown hair seemed to have silver strands running throughout, something that definitely didn't show when we met her. Her clothes were slightly torn, but at the torn parts where cuts should be, the pale skin showed through, unmarred.

"When did you meet her? I don't remember reading about her in the journals." I said looking up and my grunkle.

"That's because I hadn't met her by then. I met her after being pulled into the portal."



I had led everyone out of the room and downstairs. It was now somewhere around 11 o'clock and dark outside. Stanley had already sent Wendy and Soos home, I'm sure they would want an explanation later though, seeing as they saw the whole thing. I set down 4 cans of Pitt cola at the dining table where my family was gathered.

"Alright pointdexter, explain, now." Stan said glaring at me.

"Alright, alright. After I got... pulled... into the portal, I was sent spiraling into a place between dimensions. There were many other beings that I met, and fought, that were passing through and eventually after many years of research and planning, I was able to escape what I came to call the between." I had never spoke of what happened during those 30 years, it made me feel weak, but I had no choice now.

"Once out of the between I tried to find my way home, I discovered many new species, races and governments completely unknown to me. I traveled countless dimensions trying to find my way back." I sighed, pausing to see I had their unwavering attention.

"In one of my attempts to travel home I found myself in a pocket dimension...

(This font is flashback; this font is when ford is speaking in real time while telling the flashback.)

I was sent reeling landing on the ground with a grunt.

"Ugh, definitely not earth." I rubbed my head observing the white nothingness surrounding me.

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