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"Morning, sleeping beauty." I groaned as pain washed over my new mortal form. Forcing my eyes open I sat up to see Amaris standing on the other side of some kind of glass. I was hesitant to respond after... last time.

"Who is that?" I asked cautiously. She rose an eyebrow smirking.

"Your lack of knowledge over the beings you wish to conquer always suprises me." She didn't show any visible emotion, which to be honst frightened me more than annything.

"How would you know human stuff?" I questioned as I stretched and analyzed the various injuries on my body. When she didn't respond I looked up to see her staring at me unamused. "Oh, right." I gulped.

"Yeah." She replied through gritted teeth. She watched quietly as I stood up surveying my surrondings. I appeared to me in some kind of glass enclosure in Sixers lab.

"So, uh... your not going to attack me?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck. She paused for a moment before a grin stretched across her face and she replied.

"No, I think being trapped is almost the perfect punishment." I scoffed looking at the enclosure further.

"I'm not trapped." I laughed, she just smirked in response. I pushed on the glass. "Right?" I tried to teleport and that failed. 

"Oh no!" She stated sarcastically "Can the big bad demon not excape his puny, easily breakable, glass enclosure? What ever shall we do?" I stared at her, my mouth agape.

"Did you do this?" I began to get angry.

"As much as I wish I did, no. Fordsie made this little cage for you." I tried to escape again, I couldn't summon any objects or manipulate the objects around the lab. What was going on?

"This cage blocks my powers!?" She smirked tilting her head a bit.

"Hmm, it appears so... only for low level beings though." I glared at her. "and with the state your in, you are certainly considered to be that." I banged on the glass again feeling pain, but refusing to accept such a  simple thing could block my unlimited cosmic powers. This continued for several minutes, me trying to excape as she watched amused, until the Pines burst in seemingly anxious.

"AMARIS!?!" Six-fingers yelled. She smirked once more, turning about to face him and the rest of his weakling family members.

"Oh hello, Fordsie! Have a nice nap?" Did she knock him out? Damn, didn't know she was capable of that. Well, physically yes she's always been capable of that, but morally? Amaris wouldn't dare unless she had to. Then again she did try to kill me so her moral compass may be just slightly broken. I was brought out of my thoughts by the argument in front of my enclosure.

"Fordsie, I haven't tried to hurt any of you yet have I?" Amaris reasoned putting on an innocent face.

"You tried to kill me, 10 years ago!!" He yelled back, she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Um, ditto dumbass. That was in response to your attempt to kill me." Fords eyes widened and he avoided eyecontact scratching the back of his neck. "Since we are both clearly still alive that makes us even! No hard feelings?" She smiled extending her hand, the Pines flinched back immediately. Ha, I totally messed with their heads, they can never see handshakes the same after me.

"Even, sure.  Now what do you want with Bill?" She sighed facepalming.

"Jeepers, you really are a fucking moron aren't you?" She looked at him annoyed. "Well let's see, Bill trapped me in the Abyss for a few million years, so I feel like killing him in return." She had every right to still be mad at me for that, especially taking into account of all the other stuff I did.

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