14- into

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Grunkle Stan was planning a huge party to help business at the Mystery Shack. It was funny to be honest, he was gone for years adventuring but as soon as he's back he immediately becomes that same money-loving tourist-trapper. Everyone had gone out to shop for the needed things but unfortunately Ford hasn't finished his device for the demons yet so someone had to stay behind to watch them. They voted me.

After everyone left the house Amaris immediately began to pester me trying to find out what happened. I ignored her and sat down in the living room to read a book, I had acquired a love for Stephen King novels and I was currently reading 'The Talisman'. Needless to say Amaris wasn't happy not knowing what was going on so she sat on the couch, staring at me with a grumble.


I was upstairs in the twins room snooping around. Most of the Pines had gone out to prepare for some party they were planning. I don't believe I was supposed to know but Shooting Star isn't very quiet.

To my annoance I couldn't find anyof the journals, but I did find a new journal. It was written by Dipper, he seemed to be trying to make a journal like Sixer does. What I did find interesting however was that the main subject of his studies were me and Amaris. I was shocked to find how they originally met, with him thinking she was human. I also found it a bit interesting that he was evesdropping a couple days ago. I smirked seeing him hypothesize about Amaris' former being. If Amaris knew what was written here she would kill him! I grinned, my face fell however when I read of the deal she made with Ford. Or not.

Slipping the book into my vest I made my ways downstairs where the two where lounging. Well, one lounging and one staring with malicious intent. I strtutted in, hoping not to be attacked. To my delight she just growled and went back to staring at Dipper. At her growl he looked up and frowned seeing me smirking.

"What? Not the person you wanted to see Pinetree?" He rolled his eyes not replying. That was probably what had Amaris so pissed. I bet she didn't even know about the party. "Ya, know. I would've really loved to go shopping with them. I need a new suit for the pary." Both of their heads shot up.

"BILL!" Pinetree shouted. "You weren't supposed to know about that!" I smirked, catching Amaris' eye. She wasn't smiling, but she wasn't glaring with hate eaither so I'll take it!

"How many times do I have to tell ya Pinetree? I know lots of things." I said with a wink. I looked for Amaris' reaction and could have sworn I saw her smirk for a second.

He sighed, going back to his book. I huffed in annoyance at his lack if attention to me. So i decided to petster him. I floated and began poking his cheek.

"Bill, i swear to god." He glared at me.

"Whatcha readin?" I reached for the book, but he held it out of reach.

"None of y-" He started but I snapped my fingers teleporting the book into my hands.

"Stephen King huh? He's an odd human, met him once!" I remarked remebering the time he was trying to find what the afterlife was and I showed him a burning world ruled by ants.

"Yeah sure you did." He said snatching his book back. I sighed, beginning to float upside down.

"So Pine Tree if you had to choose, which planent would you destroy first?" He just keeps flipping through his book seemingly bored.

"Lemme guess, Uranus?" My eyes widen and my gaze shoots over to Amaris who's mouth is slack open staring right at me. I feel heat coming to my cheeks.

"I was going to say Jupiter because of its size..." Pinetree's head shoots up.

"O-oh! I didn't mean- I just tho-" He's cut off my the sound of laughter filling the room. We both look over to see her laughing harder than I've ever seen. Tears begin to stream down her face. My god her laughter... so angelic, even after all these years. I turned to see Pine Trees eyes trained on her to. It was the first time I had seen her laugh, really laugh not maniachally giggle, since trapping her.

"Y-Your so d-depsperate." She cries out pointing at Pine Tree. His face goes tomato red and he tries to talk but can't. I begin laughing too, his reaction was too good. I walked over to her as she fell off the couch.

"And gay." I add, only causing Amaris to start full blown laughing again just when she was starting to calm down. After a few more minute she catches her breath her face almost as red as Pine Trees. I offer my hand an she takes it, I lift her up pulling her to my chest. "Good to see you laughing again, cutie." I look down at her. She pushes me off smirking.

"Yeah well don't think I still won't stab you." She says walking out and into the kitchen. I smirk gesturing to myself.

"Well here I am, unstabbed." A knife came flying through the doorway burying itself in my stomach. I cough blood flying out of my mouth.



I had promptly ran upstairs to hide in my room after, too much had happened in such a short amount of time.


when rest of ppl come back, they curious abt dipper but get distracted when amaris sees they brought pizza out.

"Alright, pizza!" Amaris cried grabbing a box and opening it up. We looked at her shocked.

ford asks how she knows abt pizza. she replies with you aren't the only human I've hung out with fordsie even if you want to be, he reddens.

"Well whoever you were with certainly didn't eat right! And if you ate food with them why didn't you know to eat food with us?!"

"Yeah well time was weird back then, the drugs kinda messed with my head."

"The drugs?!"

"Yeah weed, cocaine, heroin. Ya know, the works."

"The works?! You know about drugs but not food! Who was this person?!"

"What does it matter?" She shrugged. "He helped me learn the basics of being human, in exchange i helped him find a couple of his old friends."

"Whoever you were with didn't teach you how to be human at all! You didn't even know your body needs food daily!

Look Sixer he taught me fine, now do we have and beer to go with the pizza? Actually! Whiskey would be preferable."


AN: Published 07/15/2020. 1175 words. So i had this written and thought i hit publish but today i checked because i thought i would have had some comments by now and realized i didn't. Sorry my mans and madams.

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