9- Over

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I awoke on a bed, glancing around the room I presummed it was Fords considering all the science gizmos and notes scattered about. I sat up and immediatley grabbed my head as it reeled.

"Ow." I held my head as the room around me swayed in and out of focus. I glanced at my arm where I had been shot, it had healed by now of course but i could feel some of the drug still running throughout my human bloodstream. I stood up only to sit back down as dizziness suddenly engulfed my head causing my vision to lose focus. I regained my vison and began to stand up, slower this time, placing a hand on the wall for support.

"Now this just won't do..." I spied some scissors on the table and grabbed them stabbing myself in the shoulder, letting out a hiss. I focused causing all of the remaining drug in my system to spurt out with the blood in the new hole in my skin. I sighed feeling better as my skin wove itself back together. "Much better." I brushed off my clothes and made my way out the door, and downstairs where I heard sixer telling a familier story.

"It was awful, the abyss let you in but not out." I held back a chuckle as I stood in the doorway where noone had noticed me, all focus on fordsie. "I'm certain it's what drove Amaris to insanity." That time I did laugh, loudly. Their eyes snapped to me.

"Yeah, will you practically lost it after a mere year in there, at least I lasted a couple million." They all looked scarred, Pinetree getting up stepping in front of his family.

"Stay back, Demon!"

"Oh jeez, If I wanted you dead you would already be dead Pinetree." I yawned stretching my hands above my heads as I slowly regained my sense of reality.

"What do you want demon!" Ford yelled bransishing his weapon. I cocked an eyebrow giving him a 'really?' look.

"Do we really need to go over this again Fordsie? That weapon won't work." He turned the gun in his hand examining it for a moment before lowering it. The rest of the Pines watched him shocked. "Now Pines, I really have no desire to kill you, only billy-boy. So if you would kindly tell me where he is, i'll be on my way." I grinned clasping my hands together in excitement. 

"We'll never tell you!" Shooting star yelled halfway hidden behind her brother. I smirked.

"Oh poor lost little girl, I don't believe any of you have a choice." I started to walk towards their group making them all tense up and try to back away, only to find they were frozen in their spots. "You see, I don't need to make deals to get into someone's mind, and the only one with a plate in their head blocking me is ole' Fordsie." I grinned as fear encased their beings. 

"Now...who to pick, who to pick. Any volunteers?" I grinned watching their terrified faces as I began to circle them. "Eenie meenie mini moe, who will help me find my foe?" I sang watching the immobilized Pines anxiety-filled faces. "I'm thinking... the backtalker!" I held up her chin grinning.

"NO! I'll do it!" I smirked, pleased with how effortlessly my plan had worked out. I released Shooting Stars chin my eyes moving over to Pine Tree's form.

"Done." I snapped my fingers releasing him, and putting the rest into a dream-filled sleep. He watched their bodies fall to the floor terrified. 


"Aw, don't look so down pinestraw. Their fine, and I truly have no drive to kill any of you. Now lead the way." I gulped not believeing her in the slightest. This demon was so powerful Bill must have feared her, that must be why he locked her away in that pocket dimension!

"Damn right he feared me, I was a MAJOR threat to his cause, now can we get going." My mouth hung open, she could read my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, this way." I lead her to the vending machine trying to formulate a plan of somekind while I input the code.

"Oh, so he's in Sixers lab, makes sense." She shrugged stepping inside, as I followed her.

"You know about his lab?" I asked entering the elevator and pressing the button.

"Yeah, he shared alot with me while we were stuck in the Abyss." She grinned beginning to float of the ground. "You know now that I don't have to hide anything..." She snapped her fingers and her hair turned pure silver, her irises as well. She smirked, shaking her head like a dog. "Much better!" I watched realization washing over me.

"I did see your eyes change color that day! And, the guy you were looking for, that was Bill!" I was astonished, how could I be so stupid.

"Wow, look who caught on, aren't you supposed to be the smart twin?" The elevators dinged and she floated out giggling. She didn't actually seem to be trying to harm me, maybe she really was only after Bill. We walked further in and on the other side of the glass where the portal once stood, was Bill chained to the ground, in a glass box. I glanced over at Amaris who seemed to have an unreadable expression on her face.

"He's trapped?" Was she asking me or stating the fact? "He's trapped and unable to escape..." She continued. "That's... perfect!" She grinned eyes trained on his unconscious and bloody form, I looked closer noticing he had clearly healed a bit, but he was still in rough shape.

"D-do you really think he needs to be killed for t-trapping you in the abyss?" She smiled lightly eyes still trained on the demon in front of us.

"Oh innocent PineTree, that is so easily more than enough reason to kill him. You have no idea, what happened in that place, what that place really did to a being, and how long I was in there with no hope, and no contact of any kind. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be unable to die, yet trapped where no one knows where you are, and the one being IN ALL THE UNIVERSE that does know..." She chuffed "well he'd the one that trapped you there." I gulped she had a good point, if she was really in there for millions of-

"Besides! That's far from the only, or worse, thing he did to me to deserve this." I looked at her shocked. He did more? And worse? He did nearly ruin all of our lives, and almost take over the world so that makes sense but... damn.

"W-what else did he do?" I asked timidly. She smirked looking at me for the first time since we came down here.

"That. is a story you gotta earn Pinestraw." I gulped, She seemed angry at my question, shit after her reaction to Bill simply trapping her...


I had refused to leave my spot watching Bill, waiting for him to wake up. This was nearly the perfect punishment for the demon scum. At some point Dipper had left, I assumed to go upstairs and try to wake up his family. I stayed, waiting for Cipher to awake.

AN: published 06/01/2020, 1052 words. Yes this is kind of a shit chapter and I updated really late today, barely even on monday. I was working this morning and didn't have that much motivation to write, I promise we will actually have action soon to come though. Sorry...

AN Updated 06/04/2020: @BeanZ96:Specifically to you I say thank you, throughout every chapter there is a secret hidden game. They have discovered and absolutely WON this game. I cannot express how happy that made me, for this chapter I hadn't put the game in yet because I was almost late updating. It is in now and I would love to see if you can find it again, which you most certainly can. For all others, this game gives insights to the story. I have not seen any comments but there is another second game no one has talked about... it's not hard to find, just check out the chapters ;)

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