13- me

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It had only been three days but everyone had learned to keep the two demons out of the same room. On the first day after fixing the shack AGAIN, with no help from the dreamons I might add, Amaris had pinned Bill to the wall with various knives and left him to hang, there's still a red tint to the wall and floor in the living room. Then yesterday Bill came to Mabel with the same food problem Amaris had and Amaris 'fixed it' by hanging him by his throat from the ceiling fan. At this point we just tried to keep them away from each other, I had no idea what Bill did to her but it must have been more than just trapping her because she was out for blood. 

Since she couldn't kill him she just tortured him. The worst of it was probably when we suggested that Bill stay in Amarises room, she ended up chaining him to the ceiling and practicing various bloodletting techniques. We thought it would be best if Bill slept on the couch.

I walked into the living room with my journal (I had begun writing my own, inspired by Grunkle Fords), only to find my greatest enemy snoring loudly on the couch, blanket half covering him. I sighed checking my watch, it was nearly 1:00, he should be up by now. making my way over, I grab one of his legs and yank him off. He lets out a yell as his body becomes victim to gravity.

"Hey! What do you think your doing!" He glared up at me as he rubbed his head.

"Waking you up, humans get up at decent hours." I spat, hatred filling my veins.

"Well I'm not human!" He growled standing up .

"Yeah but your living with humans, so act like one!" We were now inches away, glaring at each other.

"Just who do you think you are, Pinetree? I can kill you all without batting an eye!"

"And how will you survive in that human body, if you don't have any way to get food, or other essentials? Riddle me that Cipher!"

"I will not riddle you anything!" I rolled my eyes, walking out to the kitchen.


After Pinetrees rude awakening, I began to plan on what to do with myself. I needed to get out, that was the long and short of it. Somehow I need to trick the Pines into sliping up allowing me to escape. Allowing me and Amaris to escape together... I grinned at the thought before my face suddenly fell. She still hates me... I can't blame her though, I would hate me too. I stood there tapping my foot for a moment before coming to a conclusion. I need to apologize! I need to win her back, so we can escape together, and go back to the way things were! Back before my hunger for power tore everything apart.

Reaching out with my powers I sensed Amaris sitting in her room. I took a deep breath and made my way upstairs. This would take careful planning, everythime she saw me she attacked, if I could just talk to her for a moment... Standing in front of her door, I raised my hand and knocked three times, softly.

"Come in." I causioulsy opened the door, seeing her sitting on her bed, back leaned against the headboard, her face was buried in a book, she hadn't noticed who had eneterd yet. She then looked up and her eyes burst with anger. She noticed. She leaped up, a silver ball of fire alreday in-hand.

"Hold on, hold on! I just want to talk for a minute!" She stood still, seeming to consider it, her arm still cocked with flame in-hand.

"You have five minutes." She spat, extinguishing her flame. I smiled slightly, walking over to where she sat on Ford's old bed, and sat down beside her, about a foot away from her.

"Look, I know what I did was stupid and wrong but, I really am glad you escaped." She had her arms crossed looking away from me. "A?" She still didn't respond at all. "Can you at least tell me how you escaped?' She sighed.

We Have History (Bill cipher)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz