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Oh, how I hated it here, my blood boiled as I heard someone getting near again. I snapped my eyes over to the path that led to my little clearing, it seemed that Sixer had a friend this time, it clearly wasn't just him. They stopped just inside the tree line preventing me from seeing them. If I weren't so weak, I would be able to sense who they were! I was furious at them. They did this to me!

"No, no questions yet. After you see... him." Damn it! I had missed part of their conversation. I didn't have much time to sulk though when suddenly I was face to face with the person who had trapped me here forever.

"PINE TREE!" I yelled. Of course, no one could hear me. He looked absolutely terrified making me grin. "Even in this form your scared!" I laughed to myself "That's wonderful!" They then left without saying a word, much to my distaste.

I noticed quickly when Sixer first started his visits that I was slowly becoming stronger, drawing off his life force if you will. One time a couple months ago though, Sixer actually spoke when he was here, I was able to draw power much easier when he spoke. Unfortunately, I wasted what I had that day by making my statues eye move toward Sixer. He noticed and from that point on never spoke again.


I was laying down, my back on the grass next to my statue, bored as all hell. Actually, hell was pretty fun. I flipped myself over that way my stomach was on the ground, putting my legs up.

"Such a beautiful form..." I mused staring into my eyes. It really was a waste being that I had already figured out I couldn't use it again. When Fez got his memories back, he got me back too. I of course I was still trapped in this realm and needed a physical form, so I went to find my old one.

I was brought back to reality when I heard someone coming down the path, not very quietly either. Definitely not Sixer... I waited at the edge of the clearing (being that was as far as I could stray from the statue before I began to wither) looking down the path when Pine Tree came into view stumbling through the brambles.

"Oh hello!" I greeted him knowing he couldn't hear me. He stared at my statue and then looked away shivering. "I know! Too handsome to look at!" I floated around him as he took a couple pictures, he then sat down and began writing some stuff on a piece of paper.

"Please, stay awhile Pine Tree! I always enjoy company!" I laughed to myself before floating over him to see what he was writing. It seemed to be some sort of checklist, pretty boring until the last part.

"Feelings around the statue?" He asked aloud. My eyes widened as a surge of power hit me, I grinned not wanting to do anything to alert him. "I feel creeped out, that's what I feel." He answered himself writing something on his paper and getting up. I was very pleased with this visit, even waving goodbye when he left.

"Looks like you're my ticket out of here Pine Tree."


You know what was funny about being trapped between realities? Animals could see you clear as day! Oh, they were fun for a while, scaring them and such, but I was in desperate need of something to put my attention into. Luckily if the bookworm kept talking to himself, I would be out of here very soon.

I had decided the least power consuming thing I could do to get out of here was to make a new physical form. Breaking the barrier trapping me near the statue would take mass amounts of energy and getting my old form up and running was a lost cause. As I planned out how my new form would look, I heard two voices coming near. One of them was clearly Pine Trees but I couldn't place the other one. It sounded familiar for sure, but I couldn't tell who It was.

We Have History (Bill cipher)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora