15- becoming

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I had a great idea while we were shopping and Grunkle Ford thought it was good! The demons are both in human bodies but they don't know how to be human! So... we should teach them! While we were out I convinced them to buy some new clothes for them since they were still in the same outfits they had on before. I ran to the multitude of bags and pulled out a gold dress we found for Amaris, I thought it would go well with her silver hair.

"Amaris, we got this for you." I beamed presenting it to her. Bill sat across from her smirking, I was suprised she hadn't tried to attack him for being in the same room as her yet. She picked up the dress grimacing.


You have to be joking me. They wanted me to wear a dress? I won't!

"I'm not wearing this." I stated. I saw Bill smirk from across from me. 'Don't even try it, Cipher.' His smirk only widened.

"C'mon A, you used to wear these all the time!" I growled.

"I used to do a lot of things I don't do now, Cipher." I spat. "Besides, Gold is the ugliest color i've ever seen!" His mouth dropped and he held his hand to his chest in mock hurt.

"You wound me." He cried out. I just frowned angrily thinking of my tattoo... and his.

"What about this?" Shooting star had come back with a t-shirt, jeans combo.

"I don't see why my outfit isn't fine." I grumbled.

"You can't wear the same thing every day! That's wrong!" She reasoned causing me to look at her questionably.

"Says who?"

"Society! Humans don't do that!" She seemed stressed.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a demon." I smirked getting up and walking back towards the stairs to go to my room.

"But you weren't always were you?" Fords voice chimed. I froze.

"Careful what words pour out of that black hole of a mouth you have next, Fordsie." I clenched my fists still facing away.


My eyes were wide as I glanced between Amaris and Sixer. How did he know? It was impossible! No one had seen her scars or anything!

"I wouldn't threaten me so lightly, Reaper." He smirked. He smirked? Me and Amaris burst out laughing at the same time. 

"Alrighty Fordsie, whatever you wanna believe." She laughed making her way upstairs. I continued laughing hysterically. Stanford stood there shocked, I glanced a look at Shooting star but all I found was a giddy look on her face, as she held a bunch of clothes in her arms. What was the she-devil thinking now?

"Bill... we got stuff for you too." I said nothing, staring at her skeptically. My eyes widened as she pulled out a black suit. "i know you didn't really wear clothes before, but you always had a bowtie and tophat so I thought..." I took it from her, staring at the craftsmanship.

"Mabel, this is... FUCKING AWESOME!" I flew in a loop, immediately going to put it on.


I watched the dream demon ecstatically go to try his new clothes on. In all my years knowing him, I had never seen him so excited. Actually that's not true he was on top of the world when he took over our dimension. I frowned thinking about it, I then looked down at Mabel.

"Well, your plan appears to be working." The hard part would be getting them to act human. Stanley had convinced me to allow him to throw a party and with the demons trapped in-house there was a huge potential for problems. "I suggest you go upstairs and try to talk to Amaris, after all you were the one that helped her figure out food." Mabel grinned, grabbing the bags of clothes we had bought and runninng upstairs.

I looked up just in time to see Bill walking out in his suit. I groaned, I knew exactly what was coming.

"Careful where you look IQ, cause i'm on FIRE! DAMN! Just look at me why don't ya? Not too long of course, mortals were never ment to look upon gods." He posed and struted, up to me smirking.

"I hate you."

"Impossible, no one hates me!" He snapped his fingers and a mirror appeared, which he admired himself in.

"Amaris does." He froze for a moment before resuming his poseing.

"She thinks she does. Big difference." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes, walking upstairs. As I reached the top, Amaris busrt out of her room, wearing a black hoodie-crop top and ripped jean-shorts. Mabel ran out following her.

"If you could just change your outfits to whatever you wanted why did we have to buy all this stuff!" Mabel yelled, Amaris turned clearly annoyed.

"I didn't tell you too, that was your own fault." She then walked downstairs. I watched her shocked, I had never seen her wear anything but that silver tank top, and the wierd dress she wore in the Abyss. She looked kind of... nope, i'm certainly not having these thoughts about two demons in one day.


I walked downstairs annoyed. This 'making the demons more human' thing was pissing me off. Back in my day I had one article of clothing, that was all I ever needed. Now I had to change my outfit daily? Fuck that shit. Either way, I decided to change now to get her off my back. Turning the corner, I found Bill looking at himself in a mirror. 

Oh. My. Good. Gosh.

He looked over at me and his eyes widened. His mouth fell open and he stared at me. He... was in one hell of a suit. I had forgotten how good he looked in a suit. From head to toe he was dashing. The way his pants seemed to disappear into the jacket, how his white dress-shirt collar popped out over his coat making it look sharp, how his tousled blonde hair contracted to the fancy suit. I... couldn't... words...

"Amaris, your nose." I slowly reached my hand up, feeling something wet. I pulled my fingers away, seeing blood. Oh sweet Jerimiah, I had a fucking nose bleed. I turned sharply, my face burning. "Wait!" I ignored him, trying to get as far away as possible.

This wasn't happening, this wasn't happening, this wasn't happening. I hate him, i hate him, i hate him! 

I walked through the living room, barley registering Pinetree, heading straight for the kitchen. 


I stopped chasing her, after she disappeared into the kitchen. It was clear she was trying to get away. I huffed, turning to Pinetree. He stared at me slack-jawed and I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus Christ! I know i'm hot but get a damn grip!" I turned walking back. I couldn't believe what I had seen. Never had Amaris shown mid-drift or worn anything but that damn dress of hers. I sighed, if her nose hadn't have started to bleed we would have had a major problem. I ran a hand down my face, being human sucked.

AN: Published 09/03/2020, 1333 words. Guess who's back? Back again? I guess me, cause life's a little less hectic. I'm officially moved into my college dorm and classes have been going on for a couple weeks. I think I have the hang of them now so that leaves time for writing! Yay! Next chapter will be the party! I can't wait! As always, let me know what you thought of this chapter. Your comments motivate me like nothing else!

Also you may have noticed I have changed some things. I have added chapter numbers, so it may say i published 15 chapters. That isn't true. I also posted a playlist at the beginning of the story. I've had it made for awhile, it's mostly songs that have Bill Cipher AMV's that I listen to, to get in the groove of writing! So check them out! 

We Have History (Bill cipher)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ