11- After

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I was ecstatic! It had been exactly two days since Amaris nearly destroyed the shack and things were going great! She couldn't kill any of us, so she had taken to tormenting Bill. Since she was stuck here, she had refused to do anything but, today though, she had come to me!! For help!!

"Nevermind, I'll ask someone else" She groaned turning around. I grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving, she snatched it away glaring at me.

"Wait! I can help!! Tell me what's wrong again!" She growled, clearly angry.

"This stupid fleshbag isn't working! Its optics keep failing, and there is some kind of glitch in the abdomen region! Plus I constantly feel pain in my head even though I checked, and i'm not being hit." I thought for a moment.

"Hmm, if your stomach is huting that may be a result of what you ate." I pondered.

"Ate?" She rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, ate... what was the last thing you ate?" I questioned, these symptoms occasionally happened as a result of Mabel Juice too.

"Um... I ate a doghot-"

"hotdog" I corrected.

"Whatever, before getting on the bus to gravity falls." I gasped, no wonder she was sick!

"Amaris! That was over a week ago!" She shrugged in response.

"So what, how often do humans need fuel again?"

"3 times a day! Usually more!" I grabbed her arm again and she snatched it away.

"Stop touching me!" She growled. Well wasn't someone moody!


I was fucking losing it, after that meatsack tricked me I had gone upstairs to what they had deemed my room, It was actually Sixers old room but whatever. I of course hadn't told Bill a thing as I was still furious at him. As far as what to do with Bill himself i felt I would just mock him in his cell until he escaped and kill him then.

I was trapped with the mortals in this place, they all seemed to resent and hate me (which was reasonable since the feeling was mutual), except Shooting Star who I had taken to calling simply Star. So, once errors began to occur with my form, I went to her. As she led me downstairs to the kitchen, we ran into Pinestraw. He took a glance a me following his sister and then looked back at her, far to happy, face.

"Mabel... what's going on?" He questioned.

"Amaris needs food!" She squeeled, I grimiced grabbing my pounding head, this form was so weak!

"Mabel, i'm 90% sure she's tricking you somehow." He whispered to her, I didn't have the energy to roll my eyes at him, he was always paranoid.

"No, DipDop! She hasn't eaten since before she met us, she didn't know her body needed food!" She said in a normal voice, which I greatly appreciated. He looked back up at me, and I narrowed my eyes back, annoyed. He eventually let Mabel do her thing, but decide to follow us. Once in the kitchen Mabel got out abunch of different objects of shapes and sizes out of the fridge.

"This is food?" I questioned picking up some kind of yellow, curvey bottle. She grabbed it out of my hand.

"No! We have to combine them to make food." I watched as she took a beige sponge out of a bag and grabbing the yellow thing I had opened a compartment on it and squirted yellow liquid onto the sponge. I watched, fasinated. I felt Pinestraws eyes on me but I couldn't care less. Star then grabbed a knife and opened a white and blue object. Using the knife, she scooped out a blank liquid and put it on another sponge. She then grabbed meat and added it, before placing one sponge on the other.

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