7- Me

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Trigger Warning: This chapter is going to get detailed and gory as hell. Amaris is kinda sadistic, and her fury dosen't help that.


Stumbling into a tree, I tried to make sense of my new human form.

"Now Sixer, where's Bill?" My eyebrows furrowed at the sound of my name. Someone was looking for me? I stepped to the edge of the trees. Amaris? You can't be here, that's impossible. I smiled. It was her, she was really here. My Amaris.

"I asked you a question Ford" Her eyes blazed silver, as she interrogated Sixer. That's new. 

"I-I don't know, why do you want him?" She snatched him up by his shirt and she... growled?

"DON'T! Lie. to me." She was furious, she must miss me! That's the only reason she would be looking for me! "I know he has a statue and I have an idea where it is. I just need some comformation Fordsie." 

"NO-" I cut her off leaning against a tree smirking.

"Well geez babe, you could've just asked me yourself." Her head snapped to look at me, 

"B-Bill?" Ford stuttered from her grasp. She let him go eyes not leaving mine. Oh how I missed those eyes. As Sixer ran into the barrier I walked up to her. She looked fantastic, she had on a silver tanktop and jeans. Her eyes had changed though, they were silver as well, with slits for irises.

"You look great, Amaris." I commented, she did look great, just extremely different. I was about to say something more when she suddenly tackled me. We rolled once until she was on top of me, I felt my airway cut off as her hands wrapped around my neck. "What?" I tried, looking into her eyes I only saw hate and fury. I realized she wasn't letting up and blasted her off of me.


I was blown off of him into the sky, I hovered there watching as he caught his breath. Finally! FINALLY, I can kill him for what he did. I will have his head before this is over! I screamed flying towards him, he flew up to meet me. I summoned my silver fire shooting it towards him, he dodged out of the way coming closer. 

As he got close I threw a right hook but he leaned back and moved behind me grabbing my wrists. I flailed trying to get him off.

"What are you trying to do, Amaris?" I thrashed causing him to nearly lose his grip.

"KILL YOU CIPHER!" I let out a wave of energy and it hit him, causing him to fly away and into a tree.


I watched as the two demons fought, I should have known this would be Amarises goal all along. I just didn't understand how Bill was here, if anything he was trapped in that statue. Dipper and Mabel were on either side of me holding onto my jacket and looking up at the fight.

Amarises hair was ablaze with silver fire, as were her hands. Bill was dodging all the while, not having attcked once yet. 

"Why?" He yelled at her causing her to stop all together.

"BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" I noticed his eyes widen in shock, this must have to do with the Abyss. She charged hitting him with flame after flame. He tried to block but couldn't. He finally retaliated his hands blue with fire as large pieces of earth started to rise from the ground. We all took a step back as Amaris looked all around her snarling. 

The chunks flew at her she doged them flying higher, she summoned a huge fireball in her hand and threw it towards Bill who was closer to the ground, he held up his arms trying to lessen the blow but it hit him full force, plummeting him to the earth. 

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