2- You

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Now later I would find out just how interesting their past summer really had been, along with a great deal of other things I thought I had all figured out. We had just gotten off the bus, them with their heavy suitcases and me with my drawstring backpack.

"Hey Amaris!" The small girl shouted.

"Hello?" I inquired not completely sure why she was greeting me again.

"Ha your good! You should come with us to the Mystery Shack!" she said laughing.

"Um... I might drop by later I have a few things to attend to first." I said still confused. In truth I was trying to find an old... enemy I would say at that time. He should actually have already turned up by now, and I didn't need him giving these kids any information they didn't really need just yet.

"Did you really think she would say yes? We just met her on the bus. What did you expect we'd invite her in and then invite her to live there or something?" the boy asked his sister. I was fairly certain it was rhetorical but the girl didn't miss a beat in her answer.

"Yes!" She squealed squeezing her hog tightly. I didn't like that thing...

"Well I must be going, it was interesting meeting you two." I said putting my hands in my coat pocket and walking into the forest and teleporting to the other side of town the second I was out of sight.


I was Dying! Literally! Well not literally literally but L I T E R A L L Y! First, we meet a rude girl then she's a nice girl with a fun name! Then I figure out my new ship has sailed off into the sunset! And guess what!!!!! IT'S DAMARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god they like totally hit it off and he was SOO Staring into her eyes! I had my Summer mission and it involved Amaris!! And Dipper!! YAY! Me and Dipper were walking back when I decided to mention it to him real subtly.

"So, you like the new girl, right?" Nailed it!

"What? No! She kind of put me off to be honest." He said staring off into the distance.

"Dipper! She was like SOO nice!" I squealed seeing right through his lies. Lies I tell you! LIES! "C'mon bro-bro you don't have to try to fool me! I already know you L-O-V-E her!"

"Are you crazy! We just met." He exclaimed refusing to accept the truth.

"Says the boy who fell in love with Wendy on sight." I said skipping happily.

"Says the girl who was just singing about my relationship with her pig." Oh god it was a love square! Him and Wendy, Amaris, AND WADDLES!! I would have to make some big decisions. Him and Amaris were perfect! But Waddles was my best friend! And Wendy I had known the longest... his love life was in my hands! We had just arrived at the Mystery shack when we were attacked!

BY GRUNKLE HUGS! Ha-ha gotcha! You thought I was in trouble... Wait who am I thinking to?


I never really got comfortable with the grunkle hugs. I appreciated it but it was still awkward.

"So, how was your first year of high school?" Great Uncle Ford asked us. Ugh it was horrid! There were so many bullies and an absolute lack of Mysteries!

"It was fine" I replied shrugging.

"OMG are Candy and Grenda here yet!" Mabel shrieked bouncing up and down.

"C'mon kid you've barley said hello to us!" Grunkle stan said putting his hands on his hips and frowning... more.

"I know! I know! I just missed them so much!" She yelled.

"Hey! Where's our hugs!" Wendy! Oh, and Soos too I guess. We ran over immediately embracing them, smiling brightly.

"Doods! We like totally missed you like... a lot!" Soos said seriously.

"Aww we missed you too!" Mabel said hugging Soos again. After everyone had greeted us Mabel left with her friends to take a walk through the town. I walked up to the front desk Wendy's hat in hand. This would be a great ice-breaker.

"H-hey Wendy!" I said waving and leaning on the counter like I had seen guys do in movies.

"Sup Dipper!" She said smiling. "Yo is that my hat! I have yours too!" She then reached under the counter and pulled out my classic blue hat with the pine tree on it. We traded and I put on my hat. That's when I discovered how much I actually missed that hat. Then again it was my "symbol" so maybe that was why.

"S-so Dipper maybe we could hang out later!" I said Casually. "W-Wendy I mean Wendy! Not Dipper. I'm Dipper that would be ridiculous." And there it was.

"Sure, sounds great!" she said leaning on the counter.

"Great!" I said right before sprinting upstairs as fast as I could.


I had been searching around town for about an hour and no him. I had found a crazy lumberjack, a depressing reporter and a retarded pizza guy but an all-powerful demon, that's just too much too ask for isn't it? Being that this is the ONE TOWN he can be in in the entire dimension! I was starting to get looks from people passing me on the street. My eyes were no doubtedly red as the fires of hell being that I was madder than a hornet in a coke can.

I walked into a diner to ask around and attempt to calm down. It didn't help. AT. ALL. I walked in and sat down at the bar to immediately be hit on by some retard.

"What's a little one like you sitting at the big boys table doll?" he said. I could smell his breath all over me. Interesting enough, this was a chance to play one of my favorite games: How fast can you burn the dumbass hitting on you without actually burning them.

"Well, just thought I'd see if I could get hit on by a fat fuck in a run-down diner" I replied cheerily.


"No really I just had to find the biggest bucket of pus and mucus in town and see if he wanted to hit on me so he could later fuck me in the back alley behind the place."


"What? Not the reaction you were expecting short, fat, and ugly? Oh, I'm sorry. If you didn't want me to act like you were piss in a bucket don't act like I've been put in this universe to pleasure you Sleaze-bag."

"I-I gotta go" he said running out of the diner.

"Wise decision" I said turning back to the bartender looking at me slack jawed. "One pan galactic gargle blaster." I said putting my head down.

"O-One what?" the bartender stuttered. I groaned not lifting my head.

"One of whatever the strongest drink you have is" she hurried off and came back with something steaming and black. I took a long drink to discover that there was absolutely no alcohol or liquor in the drink. It was coffee. Black.

"You don't have any alcoholic drinks do you" I said slightly twitching my anger returning rapidly.

"Well goly no." the one-eyed waitress said a look of shock on her face.

I hated Humans.


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