twenty one

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Three hours of glam later, I was finally ready to get in front of the camera for my first look. Getting your hair and makeup done was actually really relaxing, you can just close your eyes and let them do their thing, it was basically napping but with someone giving you a full face of makeup at the same time. First, they took some photos of me by myself in the first outfit. I felt hella awkward to begin with, but so did most others as we had never done stuff like this before, however when I got into it and let loose, it was easier to pose without cringing at myself. After that, the photographer got some shots of me outside and then I took some with Dani and a girl called Megan, who was absolutely stunning. I was a little in awe of all the people around me, they all looked like goddesses and had nice personalities as well, it was inspiring to see girls treat each other nicely rather than acting bitchy and rude. I loved it.

Food time. Models still had to eat, and since none of us were NYFW kind of models (yet), we weren't extra as fuck and asking for chicken salads without chicken and whatever other ridiculous requests they made. Sian and I drove to the Starbucks drivethru down the street from the warehouse with a list of everyone's orders and collected food.
"So you're going out with that rapper right?" She asked me
"Yeah, we're engaged," I said. Just talking about Kells made me giddy with excitement, I really loved him
"Aww. How long have you two been together for?"
"Uhhh, just over two years. What about you, any lucky people caught your attention?" I asked as we waited for people to order
"I've been talking to this girl I met for a couple weeks but I don't know if anything will actually come from it. I'm bisexual,"
"You know what? Good for you. Be yourself and don't give a flying fuck about what anyone else things, okay? Be yourself and live who you want because you ducking deserve it, hun. Go Sian,"
"You know what? I fucking will. Screw you homophobic people," Sian replied
"Screw them all!"
"Welcome to Starbucks what is your order?" A voice suddenly said. Sian started absolutely pissing herself beside me but since I was ordering I had to try and be calm and composed
"Um, hi. Can I have 12 iced lattes, 4 with soya milk, one with almond milk and the rest normal milk, the large ones. Then can I get 6 mozzarella and pesto paninis, 3 salad bowls, two of those cheese and ham things and one cheese and mushroom thing please?" I was so embarrassed to order this much food with only two people in my car.
"Yeah, sure. Is that all?"
"Uh, yes thank you," I said. We drove round to the payment kiosk "Well I'm never coming here again,"
"That was hilarious. Oh by the way you forgot Georgia's cookie," Sian told me as she looked at the list
"Ugh, she can live without it I'm not driving round again,"

We were driving back to the warehouse, listening to some music and Kells called me
"Yo, how's your shoot?" He asked
"Good. Don't forget to pick Cas up," I told him. I'd been around her so much that spending the whole day without Casie seemed weird, I missed the little sunflower
"I won't. What time are you gonna be back?"
"I don't know, like 7 maybe. Why?"
"Slim and Rook are probably coming round at like 9, that cool?"
"You mean Slim, Rook, Dub, Gunner and whatever hoes they bring?" I wasn't new to this, Kells could say a couple people but they would bring more people. Obviously Carmen wasn't a hoe, she was lovely.
"Maybe, still cool?"
"Sure but don't drink too much or ima get fomo,"
"I won't, don't worry. See you later, I love you,"
"I love you too, bye," I said and he hung up the phone. Sian turned to me
"No alcohol?"
"Nope. Waiting it out," I replied. Sian still looked a little confused "I'm pregnant,"
She gasped "Oh my god! Congratulations! How many weeks?"
"That's the issue, we are unaware but we think about 3 or 4,"
"Surprise pregnancy?"
"Yeah, kind of. But kid if you're listening your dad and I still love you,"
She smiled "That's so cute,"
"Thank you,"
And with that, we drove back and shot for another 5 hours.
Thank u all so much for 1k reads!

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