Chapter Three {Say No}

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He'd grown his hair out. The once short blonde spiky hair from grade seven was now long shoulder length locks that held more brown then blonde in them. His green eyes hiding behind a pair of thin round glasses that hung slightly off the bridge of his nose with an almost charm to it as he looked down at a paper my mom was showing him at the kitchen table. His lips lined with a tight, but fake smile.

Because I knew his fake smiles. I knew that smile every time I saw it, like when ever his mom would blow him a kiss as she raced down the stair case saying she was late for some kind of meeting, or date. A smile he would wear when ever I got something wrong when we were doing homework and he would try not to get frustrated at me, even though he explained it to me 100 times already and he was getting fed up.

A smile that I see nearly everyday when we pass in the hallway .

"Oh Matthew you're home! Good, I was just helping Henry sign up for college. I figured it would be easier to do it here seeing as he only lives down the block." My mom said, her smile bright as she stood up. Dressed in her regular pencil skirt with a tucked in blouse her brown hair taken down from the pony tail she wore this morning and now falling down her back in waves.

I mimicked my mom in looks for the most part, the dark wavy hair we both had brown eyes where dad had black hair and green eyes. Something that I was kind of envious about.

Henry just sat there awkwardly while mom asked how my day way, asking how practice was and telling me how she asked dad pick up pizza on his way home.

"Henry why don't you stay for pizza. We can finish these up after we eat."

"No, I really should get going. Mom's going to wonder where I am" He lied. His mom never cared where he was.

"Mom you know he can't eat our pizza anyways. He's allergic to gluten, and cheese." I blurted  feeling stupid for remember something like that. But it was one of the reasons we spent more time as his house then anywhere else growing up, seeing as he couldn't really eat anyone else food.

"Oh that's right! Sorry Henry I forgot. Oh well, we'll get this finished during lunch tomorrow, how does that sound."

"Great Madam Tamara. I'll see you tomorrow."

Just as Henry gathered his things and was about to high tail it out of my house dad walked in the door with two large boxes of pizza and a plastic bag filled with drinks for us. "Hey Henry! Long time no see." Dad greeted setting everything down on the kitchen counter. "Actually it's funny that you're here right now. I wanted to ask you something."


"Mattie needs a tutor for french. I know you're a little wiz kid. How about helping him out."



Say No.


God damn it.

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