Chapter 6

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Livi's POV
It was Friday and Daniel had to leave.

"You don't have to leave" I said

"I know but I do"

"I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you more"

"Alright I have to go"

"Bye Livi"

"Bye surfer dude"

He laughed.



I smiled and walked back inside.

Got to be honest the next few months were rough. Everyday I woke up went to lifegaurd then went back home. Every single day. Me and Daniel face timed all the time. I was finally going to visit him for two weeks. I was so excited. I packed my bags and had my parents drop me off at the airport. Me and my parents weren't really close. They weren't my really parents but they were never around, they were always on trips. They're  both scientists. I said goodbye and walked into the airport. I checked in and walked to my gate and boarded my plane. I was so excited to see Daniel again. I wonder if he changed at all.

My flight landed in LA and I grabbed my bags. I saw a giant sign that said

LIVI JAMES in glitter.

I immediately dropped my bags and ran up to Daniel and jumped into his arms.

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