Chapter 15

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Livi's P.O.V

The next morning I got up and went to grab some cereal but saw that we had none. So I sat and watched tv but nothing good was on so I went back to my bunk and looked on instagram it seemed like the fans had really enjoyed the concert last night.

My stomach started making noises telling me to eat food.

"Hey psst livi"

I looked across the way and saw Zach peeking his head out from the curtain.

"Hey livi could you um be more quiet"

"Yea sure let me just quiet my stomach a little" I said jokingly.

"Yes much appreciated" he said half asleep then hit the pillow

Sometimes he can be so dense. I giggled

A few minutes later my stomach rumbled again.

"Liiiiiiivviii quit it" Zach said

"I can't Control this" I said laughing

Zach flopped back on his bed And put his pillow over his head.

A couple minutes passed and surprise surprise my stomach rumbled again even louder this time.

"Alright that's it" Zach said and hopped off his bed. He motioned for me to do the same.

I quickly hopped off and looked at him questioningly. He tilted his head towards the front of the bus.

"What time is it?" He asked


"Grab some shoes" Zach said


"We're going to get some food so your stomach will stop fricking rumbling" he said whisper yelling at me trying not to wake the others.

"Oh thank goodness, I'm starving" I said

"I can tell" he replied

I quickly slipped my crocs on and put my hair up

"What the heck are you wearing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what are on your feet?"

"Oh my crocs?"


"Do you have a problem" I said


"Well suck it up buttercup" I said and simply walked out the door.

We walked to the nearest food place which ended up being target because we needed to get groceries anyway. Zach grabbed a cart and I immediately sat in it.

"Oh hell no" he said looking at me

"Did Zach Herron just swear?" I said pretending to be shocked

"Yes he did and if you have a problem with it you and your crocs can leave"

"Wow what a comeback" I said giggling

He just rolled his eyes

We made our way over to the food section grabbing the essentials.
Cereal at least four boxes, granola bars, Tons of snacks, etc.

"Oh my god Zach look they have different flavored Oreos!! I want to try them all!!"

"Nope no nada we are not getting all of them" he said coming back from grabbing some more things.






"Livi I said no"

"Please?" I said giving him puppy dog eyes



"Livi stop you're causing a scene he said trying to hold in laughs.

"Please Zach?" I said trying to put on the saddest expression ever.






"6 is where I draw the line" he said finally giving in

"Okay six boxes of Oreos it is" I said smiling happily sastified

We grabbed a few more things and then headed back to the bus. The guys were still asleep when we got back.

Zach dropped the bags on the counter and went back to bed immediately.

I rolled my eyes and started unpacking. Once I was done I grabbed a bowl and some cereal and sat on the couch to watch my favorite movie Mama Mia.
Halfway through the movie I heard a bunch of movement from the other room. Finally the boys were up.

I continued watching my movie. Jonah and Zach walked in arguing.

"I swear I didn't wear you shoe!" Jonah said

"Well last night I put my white vans next to my bed and this morning they were next your bed. How do you explain that huh?" Zach said

I rolled my eyes. Of course they were arguing over shoes.

"Zach I swear I didn't wear them"

"Sure you didn't"

"Zach I pro-"

At this point I had had it with them "Will you two just shut up it's a fricken pair a shoes" I sighed and went back to my movie.

"Ow" I said rubbing my forehead after a shoe was just thrown at me. I looked up at Jonah and Zach.

"It wasn't me" Jonah said with his arms up in defense.

I looked at Zach smirking.


Hey guys sorry about such a bad chapter I promise there is more coming soon.
- Lizzy 💗💗

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