Chapter 19

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Livi's P.O.V.

Tour flew by. One second I would open my eyes and we would be in London then I would blink and then I was in Paris. Soon enough I was sitting down on yet another plane ride. This one's whereabouts was Spain. A country the boys were specifically excited about, since the legal drinking age over there was 16 so all of us could go to the clubs. Corbyn had spent most of the flight researching the best clubs to go to.

Once we landed we checked into our hotel. It was Jack and Jonah in one room, Zach and Daniel, and me and Corbyn.
Apparently Corbyn kept complaining that Jonah was waking up too early for coffee and Jack complained about how Zach snored too loud. Corbyn gathered us all in his and Jacks room to discuss the plans for tonight.

We all had to be down at the lobby at 7 sharp. Corbyn glared at me when he said that. After our game plan was made we all dispersed back to our rooms.

"CORBYN I'M TAKING A NAP. WAKE ME UP AT 5!" I yelled to him. "Ok" he yelled back from the shower. It was only 4 so I had time to take a nap, without being late.

As Corbyn promised he woke me from my nap at 5 sharp. I hopped in the shower hoping it would help me wake up a little bit more. When I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair and straightened it. After I did my makeup which was just eyeshadow, mascara and a hint of lip stick. Next was choosing the outfit. I finally decided on a blue bodycon dress that hugged all the right places.

"Meet us downstairs in 5?" Corbyn yelled from the bathroom "Zach said he's having a fashion emergency and needs my help"

"Got it!" I responded back putting my earrings in.

At 7 sharp I walked out of the elevator in my dress and heels into the lobby. After a minute of searching in the crowded lobby I finally found 5 boys standing near the entrance.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Said Daniel looking at my outfit

"I don't think I've ever seen you in anything other than a bathing suit or a t shirt and shorts" Zach remarked

"Yeah I think the nicest thing I've seen you in is a jean skirt" Jack added

"Hey I can be fancy when I want, I'm not all shorts and T-shirt's" I said back

"Alright you guys ready?" Said Corbyn

We all chorused with nods and yeahs.

Corbyn led us a few blocks away from our hotel in the direction of the club. We finally reached our destination after about a five minute walk. You would have never known it was a club if it wasn't for the long line outside of it.

"Corbyn how are we supposed to get in that line looks crazy long" I said

"Don't you worry I called in advance and had us added to the guest list" he smiled proudly

Corbyn walked up to the bodyguard and spoke something in Spanish. The bodygaurd gave him a sastified nod and let us in.

"When did you learn Spanish Corbyn?" Daniel asked

"I took AP Spanish in Highschool" he replied

Th group quickly dispersed throughout the club. I beelined it to the bar with Zach. We both got out drinks and I took a sip it not fazing me at all. Zach looked at me with curious eyes.

"What have you never heard of a party? They have them in South Carolina too you know" I scoffed

"Yeah but I wouldn't think that you would've gone to one"

"And whys that, because I'm too goody two shoes?"

"No because you're only sixteen"

"So are you"

"True but I turn seventeen in a month and you turn seventeen at the end of August"

"That's only a three month difference you idiot, plus it's not like you've never had alcohol before"

He shrugged and walked away. At this point a tipsy Corbyn skipped over to me.

"COME DANCE WITH ME!!!" He yelled over the loud music

Before I could answer he was already dragging me to the sea of people dancing.

A few, well maybe a lot, more drinks later me and Corbyn were dancing like no one was watching. At one point Corbyn was standing on a table attempting to twerk and me laughing at his stupidity. Sometime through the night a drunk Zach joined me and Corbyn on the dance floor. We were way past a little tipsy and screaming random things off the top of our heads.

"I LOVE YOU" Zach yelled pointing a finger at me

"KISS ME LOVER BOY" i yelled back arms open wide laughing.

In that moment I felt someone's lips on mine.

An alarm was blaring throughout the hotel room way to early for my likings. I groaned and got up to shut it off rubbing my head in attempt to get rid of the headache that was currently pounding in my head. I realized I was in the same dress that I was wearing last night and my makeup was still on.

I looked over to Corbyn's side of the room and saw that he was in a similar state as me. Still in his clothes from last night and tired as ever.

"Ugh why did we drink so much last night" he groaned

"I know my head hurts like hell and I don't remember anything from last night" I said wiping off my leftover makeup.
Corbyn was distracted by looking at his phone when his eyes grew wide at something he was looking at on the screen.
"I do and it wasn't very pretty" he said eyes still glued to his phone
"enlighten me on what happened would you?" I asked
"It was bad. Really really bad"
I stopped what I was doing and looked at him and asked "how bad"
"Text Zach and tell him to come to our room ASAP"
"Why what does Za-"
"Just text him"

Hi lovelies! I looked today and this book has 25K reads! I love you guys all so much and I am so glad that you guys are enjoying the book so far! Stay tuned for more updates!
-Lizzy xoxo

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