Chapter 20

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Livi's P.O.V.
Zach was knocking at our door.
I went up to open it.
"God, a little louder please" I say sarcastically rubbing my head.
"What's up? Why did you wake me up at literally 8 in the morning"
"I don't know, Corbean over there told me to call you, something about what happened last night i dont know" i yelled from the bathroom.
Zach turned to Corbyn "what happened last night all I remeber was you twerking on a table"
"Yeah what did happpen?"
"THIS! THIS HAPPENED!!" Corbyn yells as he turns his phone to us.
" holy. Shit." I breathed
"I second that" Said Corbyn
Zach is speechless. Jaw to the floor. Zero words.
"Ew I fucking kissed you omg" he said with disgust
"Ew your tongue was fucking in my mouth omg I'm gonna throw up" i said
"What could be worse than this?" I ask
"Yeah seriously"
"Um....................what about Daniel" Corbyn says
Zach smacks his forehead.
"Daniel specifically said none of us could ever kiss you or date you"
"I know, he told me that same thing about you guys. Shit what am I gonna do"
"What are you gonna do? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? LIVI IF YOUR BROTHER FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS IM LITERALLY TOAST HE WILL ACTUALLY MURDER ME" Zach frantically yells while pacing back and forth.
I sit on the bed without a word.
"Thats if he finds out" Corbyn says with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Zach asks
"Well Daniel was not with us at the party when this happened and so he doesnt know about it"
"Yeah and?" Zach says obviously not following.
"So we don't tell him. Keep it a secret, between the three of us" Corbyn suggests
"If one of you guys spills I swear I will hurt you so bad that you will not be able to walk in the morning. Do you hear me?"
"Yes ma'am" Corbyn mocks
"Corbyn I'm serious."
"I won't tell anyone, i promise"
"Promise?" I hold out my pinky.
"Promise" he says as he locks his pinky with mine.
I turn to Zach.
"Zach?" I hold out my pinky
"Fine, i promise"
"Good then it's settled. We shall never speak a word of this even outside the three of us ever again" Corbyn says
"Sounds good to me"
"Okay well off you go then"
"Off I go"
I shut the door.
"I deserve a long bath" i sigh and make my way to the bathroom
"Livi we have to be at sound check at 3!"
I send him a thumbs up from over my head and start the bath.
It feels so good.
I need a break from these boys. I need a day to myself. Too bad I can't have that until like 4 weeks.
Corbyn eventually yells at me to get my lazy ass out of the tub. Yeah like he can talk he sits on his butt playing video games all day.
I groan and reach for a towel.
I get dressed for the show tonight in a pair of shorts and a flowy white tank top. Nothing special.
Me and corbyn walk down to the lobby.
I don't make eye contact with Daniel. I can't, he'll know I'm hiding something.
The van pulls up and drives us over to our destination.
The boys show goes well. I pose with a few fans but other than that i mainly just sit on my phone.
We go back to the hotel. I pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.
The next morning the sun blares in my eyes.
"Rise and shine" Corbyn Cherrily says pulling the curtains back
I groan
"C'mon we've got a plane to catch"
"Just five more minutes" i mumble
The covers are ripped off of me and im dragged off the bed.
"Oof" i land on my butt
"Get moving" Corbyn yells at me walking towards the bathroom
I pack my stuff up, put my bed head hair into a messy bun and throw a sweatshirt on over my shirt because im not wearing a bra and im too lazy to put one on. Whatever its fine.
I slug out the door behind Corbyn. We are the last to the lobby. I blame Corbyn. I'm still half asleep when we reach the airport. We walk past a Starbucks.
"Omg coffeeeeeeeeeeee" I say drowsily, heading towards the delicious smell
"No, livi we dont have time. We are going to miss our flight" Jacks grabs my shoulders and drags me in the right direction.
"But my coffee" i whine
He just pushes me to the gate. We board the plane just in time.
I'm in the middle of Corbyn and Zach.
I shut my eyes and try to fall asleep.
"Omg Corbyn they have games you can play on the tv"
"Dude no way"
"Yeah look, oh my god they have roller splat that game is so fu-"
I move my hand up to shush him but hit him in the face on "accident"
"I'm trying to sleep" i say groggily
"Someone's grumpy" Corbyn says
"Livi how are you wearing a sweatshirt it's literally so hot out?"
"I'm not wearing a bra now shut up"

Hey lovelies.
Lol look who updated, y'all asked for it
Lol livi is such a mood
Love you guys
More to come.....stay tuned
-lizzy xoxo

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