Chapter 23

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Livi's P.O.V. 

"We're back!" I yelled hopping off Zach's back

"What took you guys so long? It's been 4 hours since you left" Daniel said 

Zach and I shared a mishevious look. 

"We may or may not be allowed back in the supermarket" Zach said taking a seat at the island in the center of the kitchen. 

"What did you guys do?" 

"Stop giving me The Look" I said rolling my eyes and taking a seat on top of the island.

"I do not have a Look" Dani scoffed 

"oh you so do" Jonah said walking into the kitchen 

"Wha-that is so not true, Jack tell them" 

"tell them what" he looked up very confused 

"that I do not have a look

"Oh you sooooo have a look

"Whatever whatever but what did you gusy do that got you kicked out of the supermarket" Dani asked 

"Hey may or may not have" I said pointing a finger at him 

"we danced around to Mama Mia in the aisles and threw fruit at each other" Zach shrugged 

Daniel had his hand in his forehead and was shaking his head. Jonah was flat out laughing. "Only you two" he said. "Anyways when are we leaving?" 

"30 min?" Jack offered 

everyone agreed and i walked around the island. 

"Ow" Zach said rubbing the "sore spot" on his arm where I had punched him.

"you weren't supposed to tell anyone that!" I hissed 

he laughed "yeah yeah big deal" 

i rolled my eyes at him and escaped down the hallway. I quickly made my way upstairs to change into something. I decided on just going with flowy shorts with a red crop tanktop. Nothing too fancy. I left my hair down bu through in a cloth headband to keep it off my face. After all the walking today I don't think my feet could've handled anything but sneakers so I laced up my converse and I was ready to go. I walked back downstairs meeting all the guys int he kitchen once again. 

"Let's roll" Corbyn said walking out the door. 

The party was just a few blocks from our house, thank goodness. If we had done anymore walking my feet would've fallen off.  

The place was small but it was still jamming with people. The further we went inside the harder it was to stay together. We eventually all dispersed on our own. I found my way to the bar. I ordered a drink and scanned the room as I waited. I didn't see any hot Greek guys. Dissapointing, but damn the Greeks sure did know how to party. I decided that even though there were no hot greek guys here I was still going to make the most of the night becuase I would be damned if I let a good party go to waste. 

After I had downed my first drink I ordered another. The drink must've worked fast because after a few sips it encouraged me to get up off my seat and go join the mass of people dancing. I started dancing to some song when two girls dancing next to me started a conversation and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. 

"Hey look at that cutie over there" one of the girls who had light brown curly hair pointed. 

I follwed her finger and saw that it landed on Jack. 

"no no no look at his friend." she pointed to the guys next him, Jonah.

I rolled my eyes.

"they are so cute omg" the one who eyed jack earlier squealed 

At this I couldn't contain my laughs. The two spun towards me. 

"What is it?"

"you should see how cute it is when they get into fights over shoes" i snickered 

"you know them?" 

"know them? Honey, I live with them" I laughed 

"No. Way." 

"Yep. See the one with the curly hair that's Jack but we all call him noodles and then the one on the right with the dark brown hair sporting that hideous shirt with pinapples on it is Jonah"

"What's your name?" one of them asked me 

"Livi, and yours?" 

"I'm Tate and this is Gabbie" the one with the bob said for both of them. 

Gabbie, the one with light brown curls responded "Nice to meet you" 

"You guys as well" i said nodding my head 

"so are they single?" 

"huh? oh the boys yeah they both are"

they both squealed. I rolled my eyes. 

"JONAH. JACK" I yelled. 

Both of thier heads snapped in my direction. I motioned for them to come over. Slowly but surely both of them made it to where I was standing. 

"Jack, Jonah this is Tate and Gabbie" I motioned to the girls 

"hi" tate waved while Gabbie twirled her hair through her fingers and smiled obviously the more quiet of the two. 

"Well I'm going to go get a refill, catch you guys later" 

After sitting at the bar and drowning 3 more drinks I finally declared myself as bored. I got up and walked towards the door. The fresh air felt nice as I stepped outside. I walked across the street from the house. 

There was a small cliff that overlooked the ocean. I took a seat on the ground. 

"What are you doing?" I don't turn around 

"sitting. Where you following me?"


he sits down next to me.


Hello lovelies. 

Sorry I have not updated in like ages I had final projects due and finals to study for it was very stressful but I just finished school so lots more updates to come over the summer. 

I love you all! 

- Lizzy xoxo

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