Chapter 21

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Livi's P.O.V.
"Hey lovebirds its time to wake up"
I move my head on the pillow. Wait...there are no pillows on the plane. I open my eyes. My head is on Zach's shoulder with him fast asleep his head resting on mine.
"Ugh get off of me" I push him
"What?" He says sleepily
"You two were cuddling" Corbyn says in a lovey dovey voice
"Shut up" both of us strike back
"Well it's your fault because you fell asleep on my shoulder and it's just an instinct to put my head on top of the person on my shoulder"
"What are you talking about?"
"Yeah me and Jack do it all the time"
"Well you and jack are practically a couple. Me and you are NOT a couple"
"You two were cuddling though" Corbyn butts in
"Whatever" i get up and grab my bag
We get off the plane and like always there are tons of fans there. I take pictures with lots of them until we are ushered out to our car. The car takes us to our hotel. France is so pretty. France was our third to last spot before we go to Italy and Greece for a 3 week break. I was so excited. We all get changed. The boys have to film a music video so they all have to wear certain outfits. I change into an orange corduroy skirt, a black shirt with black wedges. I walk around Paris while the boys are off filming their music video. It is so gorgeous and i dont know what they put in their coffee but it actually tastes like heaven in a cup. I go shopping a little bit until the boys finally meet me for lunch. I get a grilled cheese and everyone bullies me about it but i don't care because it is actually so good. Jonah made me try snails and I almost threw up. Ew no, I'm just gonna stick with my grilled cheese thanks. We then take pictures. The boys take forever, predictable.
The show is the same as every other. Pose with fans, back to the hotel room then hop on a flight the next morning. Same with London. Finally we were on break and off to Italy and Greece we go.

"Livi calm down" Zach said annoyed
"I can't. I'm actually so excited"
I was physically shaking. We were in freaking Italy. ITALY. I couldn't believe it.
He just rolled his eyes.
We landed and I immediately jumped out of my seat. The boys followed out behind me.
"I can't believe we're actually here"
"Believe it honey" Corbyn said
We were only in Italy for 3 days until we left for Greece.
It was already dinnertime when we got there so we just had dinner at our hotel.
The waiter offered us wine. We all accepted. I made eye contact with Zach.
The food was maybe the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. Even better than coffee and thats saying something.
The rest of dinner contained of all of us eating until we were about to throw up and Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah and Jack finishing another bottle of wine. Zach and I didn't drink anymore. We do stupid things when we are drunk.
We were all in a big suite this time. Zach and I each got our own King beds. The other boys had stayed out later.

They must've gotten really drunk because when I woke up in the morning Corbyn was passed out on the floor, Jack was asleep on the table, Daniel was sprawled out on the couch and Jonah was sleeping with a bottle of wine in his hand leaning up against the chair.
I laughed to myself and headed for the shower.
They were all still asleep when I got out of the shower. I changed and walked over to Zach's bed.
I flicked his forehead
"Hello? Anyone home?"
"Arianaaaaaaa come back to bed" Zach groaned attempting to pull me into the bed.
I grabbed his hand and tried to untangle his hand from my wrist "No Zach its-WOAH"
He yanked on my wrist and I was pulled onto the bed. He tried to snake his arms around my waist.
I untangled myself and got up.
I slapped him across the face.
"Wake up you nuthead"
"Why the hell did you just do that"
"Maybe because you just tried to cuddle with me in your sleep.....It was for your own good"
"I tried to cuddle with you in my sleep?" He asked surprised
"Yeah, you were having another dream about Ariana" i said applying chapstick
"You dont know that" he scoffed
"Yeah I do you said come back to bed Ariana" i crossed my arms
"Whatever" he mumbled
"Why aren't any of the other guys up?"
"They got a little bit too tipsy last night"
"Wait then why did you wake me up?"
"Because I'm not going to venture out in Italy alone that's just sad"
"Well you have a sad life" he said pulling the covers over his head again
"No you're coming with me" i say yanking the covers off him. He's only in his boxers
"Livi!" He grabs for the covers again
"What I don't care" I shrug and walk to the mirror
"I'm not going with you"
"Oh yes you are. You literally do nothing except eat, sleep, sing and game"
"Hey thats a good lifestyle" he says defensively
"Not for the Italians now up you go"
"Fine but you owe me"
He eventually got dressed and we headed off to the nearest coffee shop.
"How do you not like coffee" i said shocked
"It's so bitter and gross"
"You're bitter and gross Mr. HoT cHoCoLaTe"
"Hey hot chocolate is an amazing beverage"
"I honestly think that you have a chemical inbalance sometimes"
"Really because I always think that about you too" he said mocking me
"You're so funny" i say sarcastically
I spot a sign that says cooking classes across the street. I jump up from my seat and dart across the street and into the shop.
"Woah livi wait" Zach says
He finally catches up with me in the store when I'm registering us for the class.
"This is going to be so much fun" I squeal
"You know I never actually agreed to this" Zach says
"Just put the apron on or i will actually beat you with a wooden spoon"
He does as he's told
"Hello class! Today we will be making pasta" he starts explaining the recipe
"I could've learned this by watching a tutorial by Gordon Ramsey on YouTube" he whispers to me
I elbow him signaling him to shut up.
"I'm just saying" he shrugs
We first start off with flour yeast and eggs. We form the dough and let it sit while our instructor goes over the recipe for the sauce. I start on the sauce while Zach is kneading the dough.
"This is so boring" Zach whines
"That is a total lie. I know you are having fun"
"I'm only here because we get food at the end"
"Just admit it you are having fun"
"fine but deep down I know that you are"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
Are too"
"Okay fine maybe I am having a little bit of fun"
"Ha I knew it"
In the end our pasta is actually really good. We have extras so we put them in a to go container and start our way back to the hotel.

"Rise and Shine you idiots" Zach barges through the door
"Zach shut up" Jonah groans
"I bear food" i yell holding up the container
"You should've just started with that" jack says and they all jump to their feet and follow me to the table.
"Fresh pasta made by moi and that bonehead over there" i point to Zach
"Wow this is actually really good"
"Holy crap, who knew you guys could cook"
"Yeah how did you guys make it"
"It was all my skills" Zach boasts
"Yeah yeah all you did was knead the dough"
"Yeah with my amazing muscles" he flexes
"Whatever you say"

Hey lovelies
What's up
I told you i would be better at updating so here I am
- Lizzy xoxo

Surfboard Sister // Why Dont WeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon