Chapter 22

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Livi's P.O.V.

"I have decided that I am not a fan of boats" Jack announced looking a bit queasy.
"Well I've decided that I am definitely a fan" Corbyn said with a much more happier expression as he bounded off the boat.
Greece is so gorgeous, the water is so blue it's crazy.
"C'mon this way guys" Daniel motioned us to follow him as he lead us over to man holding a sign with the address of our Airbnb.
"Are you..." he looked at the paper "um why don't we?" The old man said with a heavy accent obviously not a master at english yet.
Jonah answered for all of us with a quick yes.
The man said something in greek and started walking away. I shrugged and followed after him. "Here" he had stopped in front of 6 donkeys. We all just stared at them dumbfounded. The nice man took my luggage from my hands and strapped it to one of the donkeys. A lightbulb went off in my head as I finally got what he was trying to say. I walked over to the donkey and hoisted myself on top.
"C'mon why are you guys just standing there" i rolled my eyes. The boys wearily did the same as me and positioned themselves on their own donkeys. Once we were all situated the old man lead us up the winding streets of Greece until we reached our house. I hopped off first as the man handed me a key. The boys did the same and the donkeys were whisked away once again with the man leading them back to the boarding docks. The house was gorgeous. It was all white with blue accents that made it pop. It was very outdoorsy, many of the windows were just holes in the wall and the hallways only had ceilings and not walls. It fit the island theme as for most of the houses around us had been designed like this. The house had 6 bedrooms, 1 for each of us. I immediately got changed into a bathing suit and through a white sundress over it. I walked to the kitchen to find all the boys sitting on their phones.
I stood with my hands on my hips. "You guys are pathetic. Get off your lazy asses and do something"
They put their phones down.
"We going out tonight?" Jonah asked
"Yeah can we?" Jack said
"I'm down" Daniel agreed. Corbyn nodded
"Well while you guys are off partying I'll be venturing the island." I put my sunglasses on
"We need food" Zach groaned as he opened an empty fridge and shut it disappointedly.
"I'll go grocery shopping" i offered
"Ooh here's my list" Zach said handing me a piece of paper.
"Nope, if you want it you're going to have to come and get it yourself" i sassed as i walked out the door.
"Fine be bossy like that" Zach rolled his eyes but reluctantly followed me out the door.
"Which way?" He questioned hobbling out the door attempting to put his other shoe on.
"My GPS says it's this way" i pointed down the road
We both walked in the direction. 10 minutes had passed in complete silence. It was fine though because I was enjoying the island. Everything was so pretty, all the neighbors were so nice and they all said hello as we passed. We walked past a beach that was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was beating down on our backs. Both of us were sweating.
"This is boring" Zach groaned kicking a rock "i should've never left the house, no food is worth this much"
"Shut up you baby"
"Oh yeah well I'm older than you so technically your the baby" Zach announced matter-of-factly
"It's you're" I corrected
"What?" He said confused
"Never mind, anyways we're both 16 so you're technically not older than me"
" i should be playing fortnite right now"
"That is pathetic. We are in Greece. Fucking Greece Zach and all you want to do is play fortnite"
"Hey fortnite is a respectable game" he defensively said
"Yeah respectable game my ass" i snorted
"You've never even played " he scoffed
"I don't plan on it either, grab a cart would you?"
"Only if you play fortnite with me when we get back"
"I can promise you that you will love it"
"And i can promise you that I will kick your ass in it"
"As if" he laughed
"Oh yeah? I wouldn't be so confident over there, i am very competitive when it comes to competitions"
"So this is a competition now?" He raised his eyebrows grabbing a pack of strawberries and placing them in the cart
"Hell yeah it is"
"Well let me tell you one thing Livi James"
"Oh yeah what is that?" I turned around folding my arms across my chest.
"You may be a lifeguard but who's gonna save you when I totally destroy you in fortnite"
"I'm not gonna need any saving" I laughed
A few minutes passed of us just throwing random food in the cart.
"Oh my god Livi"
"I forgot"
"You forgot what Zach?"
"Mama Mia was filmed in Greece!"
"Oh my god you're so right!"
"Listen to the song playing!"
The song was dancing queen and we both immediately started dancing and singing like crazy in the aisle getting looks of dirty looks from the locals.
Zach spun me around and attempted to dip me when the song ended but was not so graceful and ended up falling on top of me.
"Ow" he groaned. We both realized we were in quite a compromising position. My cheeks flared up. I broke the uncomfortable silence.
"Hey you're the one who landed on me i should be saying ow" i laughed
"Yeah but you're not a very soft pillow" he said laughing getting up and offering me a hand
"Yeah yeah whatever" i smiled as I graciously accepted his hand.
This trip was actually starting to look up.

We eventually got out of the store after two hours. A trip to the grocery store for a normal person would've probably taken under an hour but me and Zach were far from normal. From that time on we had built a fort out of cereal boxes, hid in the toilet paper section and were constantly throwing things at each other. I was surprised we hadn't gotten kicked out yet. All in all it was a fun trip. The trip back home was much nicer since the sun was setting so it wasn't beating down on us, but it was still hot. Zach had taken his shirt off. I walked behind Zach. I hate to admit it but he looked good right then in there in that moment. It didn't help that he had his shirt off showing his back muscles.
"Stop looking at my ass" Zach said
"I was not looking at your ass". I was so looking at his ass.
"You so were" he teased
"Was not"
"Fine if you weren't staring at my ass, which you so were, then what were you doing?"
"Planning on a good time to do this" I jumped on his back. He was shocked at first but grabbed my legs so i wouldn't fall over.
"Hey I never agreed to this" he said.
"Well you fell on me in the grocery store so you basically owe me" i said wrapping my arms around his neck for "stability".
"How does my ass look from back there?" He teased
"Great" i teased back

Hey lovelies! This chapter was all over the place omg it took me so log to write #writersblock
Anyways here's an update, hope you liked it.
-lizzy xoxo

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