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    "I'm late, I'm late," he muttered while huffing, a certain person in the streets can be seen running on the hot day, it was as if he the hounds from hell was chasing after him. As he was running so fast he bumped unto a lot of people. The bumped people turned their heads at the person and glared at the boy.

    The boy was already in his twenties and can be called an adult, but due to his build like a teens, he looked younger instead. He was like a delicate bunny that needed to be taken care of. That needed to be shielded away from the dangers of the world. His skin was white like priceless porcelain. His hair was drenched but it was silky and looked fluffy from all the running, one would love to think what it would feel with his fingers running through it. His eyes was big and black and when he is excited, it would shine like the stars in the universe. The pureness of his soul can be seen in there. His eyebrows was arched in a perfect curve. His nose was straight. His cheeks was round, and due to him running out of breath, it was a little red. It gave people the temptation to pinch or bite it.

    Chao Cheng was running as fast as fast as he could to his job. As young as he is, he already had a job. He quitted halfway through highschool due to the lack of funds. Even though he could've been applied a scholarship due to his high IQ. His mom was working as hard as she could to support her family. Their dad left them for another richer and younger woman.

    Always working at the first light in the morning, to the darkness of the night. She was always very tired and had three mouths to feed. So he decided to work with her.

    He worked at a little restaurant that was ran by an old couple. It was a busy street that had a lot of people passing here and there. The restaurant was a busy place, because the food was cheap the food was great. The old couple was kind and understanding of his situation so they gave him a job as a delivery boy.

    Chao Cheng arrived on the restaurant's backdoor. He bent down to his knees, huffing for a while, then opened the doors. He was greeted by the other people running to and fro.

    "Hey, Kid you've finally arrived!" A person shouted and beckoned Chao Cheng to come forward. Chao Cheng obediently moved to him. The person was big and intimidating, but his eyes was gentle and kind. The person was Da Fu, and he was the chef in the kitchen.

    "Kid, where were you? The place is as busy as always and the deliveries ain't gonna deliver themselves ya know!" Da Fu said to Chao Cheng.

    "I know, I know but I accompanied my little sister to her school, and you know how she is, she's afraid to be left alone." Chao Cheng murmured quietly.

    "Okay, okay I understand but the boss was worried where you were, he even said to go to your home if you were there." Da Fu said to Chao Cheng worriedly.

    "Now enough, you can now start your deliveries."

    Chao Cheng nodded his head and started accepting the orders from Da Fu. Chao Cheng delivered the food to and fro using a bike. He was tired but he always had his family on his mind.

    His little brother that was now on highschool, and always say to quit school to help him and their mom. That was immediately rejected saying in the future he was the one to take care of them. His little sister that was always smiling and acted spoiled, but if left alone cried like there was no tomorrow.

    He hadn't noticed but it was already noon and he was near a park. So he went in and sat on a swing. He looked at the children playing and smiled. He admired children, how they were so energetic and carefree. He imagined that he was one of them, so fun and they didn't have to worry about their future. How their family was whole and loving to them.

    He imagined his family and thought that it was okay if they were poor as long as they were complete. But no, his father had to cheat on them because he was tired of being poor. But he was the one that made mom pregnant and still he left. Unknowingly, his tears started to fall, as he was staring at the children.

    When he shook his head to get rid of his thoughts, the tears flew away from his face. When he noticed his tears, he wiped them away. He would work hard, and make our family happy. He thought, then stood up and walked away from the swing to a food stall so he can eat. He payed for the food abd continued working.

    As noon became night, Chao Cheng was the last to go from the restaurant as he was the one responsible for closing it. Chao Cheng walked away, the streets was already quiet, the people were already in their homes. Chao Cheng looked at the quiet street and then looked up at the night sky.

    The stars were blocked by the clouds. And it had the signs of raining. Chao Cheng walked towards his home and thought of his family and smiled.

    But a few seconds after his smile, he staggered and then collapsed on to the hard pavewalk. He was all alone in the middle of the night. The boy could be seen lying there, with no one to help him. And still his last thoughts were his family's happiness.


So thats it the first chapter.


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