7. "Maia? Maia?! MAIA? MAIA?! MAI-"

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018  

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018  

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay here alone." Avery slings her galaxy patterned backpack over her shoulder. Her piercing blue eyes questioning my decision to stay home alone. Really that is all I need right now, I need peace and quiet. Avery took a day off of school to stay with me yesterday but her mom only allowed her one day. Honestly, I might be a little afraid to be alone but I think I can handle it.

"Yeah, I will be fine, I need time to think." I tell Avery my honest truth.

"Oh and don't forget to give Joel his jacket. He'll be wanting that back." I walk Avery to my oak front door.

"Text Hunter or I if you need anything, and I mean anything, even if it's just a hug." Avery chuckles but I can tell she is one hundred percent sincere. I know that if I need something as little as a hug, she will be here.

"I will be fine! Now go before you are late!" I wait until Avery pulls her long blonde hair up into a high ponytail before pulling her into a hug.

"I love you M, maybe get some sleep today, don't spend all your time worrying about this."

"I love you too, and don't worry I will get some sleep and this situation will be the farthest thing from my mind." Avery gives me a half smile and proceeds to her car. She gives me one last look before getting in her car and pulling out of my driveway.

Once Avery's black Kia is completely out of my view I close the door and stumble to my bedroom. I plop myself on my bed, I lay down and think. 

I can't believe Chad did this, why would he do that to me. I knew Chad was a dick but I didn't know that he would go as far as to tape us and then post it. I feel so defeated, so lost I feel so worthless and exposed. What does Joel think? Has he seen it? I bet he thinks I'm a slut just like everyone else does. He doesn't know me well enough to know that my time with Chad was my first.

I lay down and close my blue eyes, my brain is too active to fall asleep though. Images of the video and what people posted about me swirl in the blackness of my eyelids. The words slut, whore, ugly, worthless, bitch, floozie, and more scream in my head. I try to tune them out but I can't, I can't help but let my tears fall onto my pillow.

They hate you, everyone hates you. You are a little slut, nobody wants you. Joel definitely won't want you now that he knows what a whore you are, he won't even want to look at you. You are a waste of space, quit taking up everyone else's oxygen. Avery and Hunter are tired of your bullshit, they won't want anything to do with you anymore. In fact they never really liked you in the first place, they just tolerate. Now everyone knows just what a terrible person you are. You would be better off dead, leave life to someone actually worth something. You are weak and useless, just give up, nobody wants you here.  Everyone would be so much better if you just killed yourself. So just do it, save everyone from having to deal with you. Need any more proof? Just look at your social media you little bitch. 

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