11. "Wait someone told you?"

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Triple update: Make sure you have read Chapter 9 & 10 

I close the door behind Avery and her parents, finally just leaving Maverick, Joel, and I

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I close the door behind Avery and her parents, finally just leaving Maverick, Joel, and I. While Maverick is in the bathroom I stroll over to the couch where Joel is sitting.

"Alright, spill it!" I cut to the chase anxious to find out this long story of how Joel became our roommate.


"Joel, you know what. Why are you living here? Not that I don't like it because I do, I REALLY do." I emphasize really.

"Oh, that."

"Yeah that, so spill it" I plop down on the couch next to Joel.

"Well promise not to hate me?" What? Why would I hate him?

"Why would I hate you?" Joel huffs at me and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers together.

"Because Chad is my stepbrother. That day in the woodland space when I just sort of left you, I had gotten a text from Chad and I didn't want you to see me mad so I left. I left my jacket with you so I could see you again but then shit hit the fan and you know." Wow! I didn't expect that, I just thought he left because I interrupted our moment. How come he didn't let on that Chad was his step-brother at the cemetery?

"Can I ask you how you knew what I was doing and why you came to save me? Joel gives me a confused look.

"Wait someone told you?"

"No, but it wasn't that hard to figure out."

"Okay well, I was there when you sent Avery and Hunter the text, and well I know the signs especially with what had happened. I may or may not have stolen Avery's phone so I could find out where you lived."

"Well, I'm sure she thanks you now for stealing her phone." I giggle.

"Yes, she has, multiple times." he chuckles with a smile that reaches his eyes.

"When I got to you, you were barely conscious. It scared the shit out of me, seeing you like that killed me even though we haven't known eachother for a long time." Joel's face turns somber and instantly I miss his smile.

"So, how did you end up living here." 

"I decided that I didn't want Chad's negativity in my life so I got the hell out of dodge and started living in the woodland space next to the school, it was rough but worth it. About half a week later Avery found me when she came to feel close to you. She grilled me relentlessly about why I was there, she's a firecracker that one. Eventually, I told her everything, she slapped me then cried a bit and I assume she told Maverick because the next thing I know I was living at your place."  I scoot over and snuggle into Joel, I look up at him and smile.

"Well makes sense, you saved my life, it was the least he could do. I have a question." 


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