13. "Fine, but if I accidentally burn down the house it is your fault."

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"Hey sis, how was school today?"

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"Hey sis, how was school today?"

"Good, today was the chillest day of school I have had ever. Mrs. Cruz is an amazing teacher and with having all of three students, she can really afford to take time to actually help them."  Maverick and I both chuckle.

"So, you're happy then?" Maverick looks at me cautiously.

"Yes, I am very happy. I got to school with my two best friends and that's it, I honestly wish we would have done this whole homeschool thing ages ago." Maverick relaxes a little knowing that I am happy, but I can still tell that he is slightly tense.

"You know you can tell me if you aren't, happy I mean? I know that I am not always the best big brother and that we kind of have always just done our own thing but that doesn't mean that I'm not here for you. I will always be there for you."

"Yeah, I know Mav. I know."

"It's just, a part of me feels responsible for, you know?"

"Hey, hey, you are in no way responsible for what happened."

"I know the logical side of my brain tells me that, but the emotional side is saying that if I would have just been there for you just a little bit more then maybe you wouldn't have..."

"Hey, stop that! There was nothing you could've done, you can't blame yourself for my actions. It is absolutely, positively, 100 percent not your fault." It pains me to know that Maverick blames himself, a selfish part of me wants to blame Chad but I don't think I could do that. I was the one who was too weak to make lemonade with the lemons that life had handed me.

"Ok, but if you ever have the slightest urge to do something like that please let me know."

"Don't worry Mav, if I ever feel that way again I will tell you." I reassure Maverick but he still looks at me warily. I honestly don't think that I will ever do what I did. James Kirkup once said  'The sad thing is, suicide doesn't end the pain it just passes it on to someone else.' and that honestly scares the shit out of me.

"Alright." Maverick pats his knees as he stands up. 

"How about I make my favorite little sister, my world famous spaghetti tacos." I glare at my loveable big brother.

"One, I'm your only sister. Two, you are far from world famous. Three, You stole the idea off of iCarly

"Hey that is not fair, you used to practically force me to make them." I give my brother a pointed look.

"Hey,  fine if you don't want them..."

"Wait! I want them!" I cried reaching my hands out to Maverick.

"I thought you would see it my way. However, you have to help me make them this time." I knit my brows and pout crossing my arms over my chest.

"Do you want them or not?" I sit contemplating whether spaghetti tacos outweighs my laziness. It definitely does.

"Fine, but if I accidentally burn down the house it is your fault." Maverick just laughs at me and pats my head.

I follow him into our kitchen and he places a bowl and a can of readily peeled tomatoes in front of me.

"Empty that can into that bowl and then mash with this." Maverick hands me a potato masher and I do as I am told. I can already feel my stomach growling for these tacos.

"Whoa! When did we get a lion?" Joel chuckles as he rounds the corner.

"Ha-ha very funny." I scowl and Joel's irritating, yet sexy smirk.

"Hey man! Get out we're making dinner and I don't need you distracting my sister otherwise she might actually burn down the house." At this Joel throws his hands up in defense and slowly backs out of the kitchen. I turn to Maverick to see him hold a big ass knife pointed at where our new roommate just retreated.

"Maverick! You can't just go pointing knives at people!" I scold my big brother and he just shakes his head at me.

"Au contraire my sister fair, it is my house I can do what I please." We both double over laughing at my brother's terrible attempt at a French accent. It's mainly funny because what we are cooking is definitely not French.


Flames fly from the rag that I just dropped onto the wooden floor and it too begins to burn.

"Really!!!" Maverick screams at me racing to the sink to get water to quench the flames, but soon enough he is fading to the back of my mind. I can't move I'm frozen, I have never liked fire, not since my parents died. I'll never forget how badly they were burned after the accident. They were barely recognizable. I'm almost like a deer in the headlights when it comes to fire, I always freeze my eyes widen taking in the fire and then it envelops me, no matter how small the fire is. I had to get a doctor's excuse so I didn't have to use the Bunsen burners at school, pathetic, I know. Now, because of me, my house is on fire and I can't do a damn thing about it. I can't even fucking move. The bright fire lifts me up, not it's not the fire it's a person, It's Joel. He has picked me up bridal style and now he is dashing from the house, I, however, am still frozen.

"Maia, are you okay?" I here Joel but I can't seem to find my voice.

"Maia please answer me!" but a simple

"Maverick" whispered into the wind is all I can muster.

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