The Art Room

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(A/N: I hope you are enjoying this, please comment and vote. Much love to all my readers.)

I wait for the door to close and the car to pull off the drive way and sprit for Rye's room. 

"Ok Rye Rye, time for your sleep." I say hoping he will just agree with me.

"I'm six years old! I don't want to sleep." He whines, don't blame you Rye, I'd be the same.

"Ok, I get that but just stay in here anyway, I'll make lunch in like an hour." I say and go to head out the door when he speaks.

"Can Rose come play?" He ask and I shake my head no.

"She went with Mum and Dad." I add.

"Oh, can Ashton?" He ask and I see the disappointment on his face.

"With them as well sorry, it's just you and I." I smile, trying to cheer him up.

"Can you play?" He ask with hope in his eyes and I almost give in but I remember what I have to do.

"I would love to but I have some homework to do so I'll play later ok, promise." I say and he looks happy because he knows I don't break promises.

"Ok then." He says looking at his toy cars.

I smile at him and leave his room closing the door behind me.

I walk towards my parents' bedroom and open the door, I walk towards my Dad's bedside table and open the draw, my hands shaking as I grab the handle. I slowly open the draw, dreading the outcome of what I might find. I see some of my Dad's prized possessions including a picture that I drew of him and I, I smile a little and look through the draw to see if I what I need is there. After a while of searching I find it, an orange envelope that holds the passwords for the house. I grab it, open it and scan it to find the one I need.

Art Room: irisprimrose

I smile at the thought that the password to my Dad's favourite room is my name and quickly put the bit of paper back in the envelope and back in its original position. I close the draw and walk out the room closing the door behind me.

I slowly walk towards the art room and stand there, just staring at it. After all the years of wondering why Dad locks that one door, I might find out today. I take a deep breath and type in the password, after I hear the ping letting me know that it's open I start to panic.

This is really happening? I'm really doing this? I think to myself, I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle. Well this is it, this is going to decide if I want to know more or take Ashton and Rose's side and deal with what I already know.

I enter the room and all around me shows many, many paintings of both good and bad images. I see paintings of my Mum, there is quite a few of those, I see paintings of Mum and Dad's wedding, I smile brightly at these ones as they look so in love, I scoff and laugh at the realisation that they haven't changed. I see paintings of Rose from now and then, of Ashton, Rye and myself and of all of us kids with and without Mum. I smile but then frown as I realise they have nothing to do with what I want to know, I turn around to look at the other walls and that's when I see it, the gigantic pieces of cloth that cover the walls. This has got to be it.

I remove the fabric and gasp at what I see. A painting of Mum with tears streaming down her face kneeling besides a girl with beautiful brown skin holding flowers, a painting of Mum in what must be her outfit for the games, a painting of Mum and Dad kissing in some sort of cave, a painting of a group of people that I know nothing of, paintings of Mum and my Aunty Prim and so many more, but what shocks me the most are the paintings I see next.

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